February 13, 2017 Monthly Meeting The monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake met at the Cedar Lake Town Hall on Monday, Feb. 13, 2017 at 6:30 PM. Board members present were Jon Sleik, Chairman, Duke Dahl & Kory Weiss, Supervisors, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux, Treasurer. Also 16 other persons were present. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes were read from the previous monthly meeting. A motion was made by Duke to accept these as read and seconded by Kory. Under public input, it was asked when the Christmas decorations would be coming down. Jon replied that OSHA has been involved in that process, so the men will do as possible with getting them down. Next on the agenda is the financial report from Gladys, Treasurer and Maryhelen,C|erk. Both report balancing with all accounts as well as with each other. The past month’s road activities have been sanding roads as there has been a lot of icing. We also needed to make more salt/sand. We now have another 700 yds. to be able to go the season. RJ Severude than gave the police report for the month. He has been doing general patrol. There have been a few incidents on the lake, some drug cases, some assists with other counties in regard to drugs. Also, he needed to do a welfare check, found person unresponsive, needed to do appropriate calls and notified the family. The family also asked that he check the propane in the tank, which he did and called them back.
Dave Dhein let the Board know that he had received a very kind and thankful e-mail from Sarah Frederick, sister of the deceased, thanking RJ for all his help thru this period. All persons in the family expressed their thankfulness. The Board also thanked RJ. The BFCESD report was than given by Roger Menk as Jon was unable to attend the meeting. Roger stated that the Board said the meeting was in record time of 29 min. Tim Stea ms was appointed vice—president of the committee. They discussed the color of the fire truck as yellow is somewhat of a problem. There have been 8 calls since Jan. 1, none of which have been a fire thankfully. Bumper has graduated and is now a paramedic working full time for Gold Cross as well as a Forest Manager for the DNR. He is also still doing all he can do for the BFCESD. WE now have 12 EMT’s, some of whom are trained on Norcan,drug overdose drug, which is procured from Lakeview Medical. Under old business, the discussion of the front stairs, as well as the handicapped ramp, was next on the agenda. It was suggested by Kory that a composite might be good. After further discussion among the Board, it was decided that bids would be asked for both wood, concrete, and composite, carpenters as well as concrete companies. It would be good to make these as maintaince free as possible. Kory will get an ad in the paper for bids to be submitted to the Town by the next meeting so that they could be acted upon at that time. Under new business, Suzanne Nolte, 2680 28th St. appeared to request a tourist rooming house permit for a second building on her property. As Jon is on the County Board for this he has left the room. Kory & duke explained that as long as she is willing to abide by the County rules which are governed by the County, the
Town Board would sign the approval. The Board members both approved this permit. The next item on the agenda was the Budget Adjustment for 2016. Jon read the resolution, 2017-1, stating all of the transfers made in the general ledger. The Board unanimously approved this resolution. Kelly asked if the Town Hall floor being redone was covered in the budget for 2017. There followed discussion. If there is monies remaining after the stairs are rebuilt, that would be a project at that time. In correspondence, a letter was received from Ben Bergey, thanking the Board for the letter sent regarding the resurface of the Tuscobia Trail. He stated that at this time no funds are available for this project. This was in response to a request from Don Erickson to send the letter. Also, received was a letter from a group of individuals who are concerned about assessing going to countywide instead each municipality. The Board would like this on next month’s agenda. Also had a request from Xcel Energy to use a public access to install new fiber on an island in Red Cedar Lake. Jon will talk with Xcel before signing permission. There will be no tree trimming on this jobsite.
Duke made a motion to pay the bills and adjourn the meeting. Kory seconded and all approved. (7:35PM)

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