Annual Meeting Minutes | April 20th, 2019
The Town Board met in special session on Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 9:30 AM for the purpose of awarding the bid for gravel hauling. Present was Ken Leners, Chairman , Supervisor, Tony Wolff, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk. Present by phone was Kory Weiss.
The three bids for this gravel hauling had been opened at the previous monthly meeting.
Kory has spent time comparing all the bids. Bull Dozin is significantly less. He also talked with multiple parties involved regarding grading of the gravel hauled. Even with grading of phase 2 included, Bull Dozin would be the lowest.
Ken made a motion to accept the bid from Bull Dozing for hauling gravel. Tony seconded. Roll Call: Tony-Aye, Ken-Aye, Kory-Aye.
If the contract for work is between $5000 & $25000 we don’t need to put out on bids. So,Kory will post the contract with Bull Dozin for grading later.
Ken made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Tony seconded and all approved. (9:36)
The Annual Meeting for the Town of Cedar Lake met at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana on Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 10:00 AM. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 19 persons attending.( Easter Weekend)
Ken Leners explained the agenda for the meeting. Then he introduced Dan Thole, Clifton, Larsen, Allen, CPA, who compiled the financial report for 2018. Dan explained the report in detail.
Louie Okey asked if a Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services question would be better later in the meeting when that subject was presented? Yes.
The next item for discussion was the idea of appointing the positions of clerk and treasurer rather than electing. There is a handout which explains some of the pros and cons of each way. Tony then explained the procedure. There would have to be a referendum. The next election would be in February 2020. Liz Drew expressed concern over allowing a non-resident,who might be hard to reach, to be in that position versus someone within the township. Tony stated that the person would be required to hold office hours to accommodate the town people.The job description does cover office hours. Liz stated that election is the right of the people. Are there any guidelines for collusion for hiring for the Board to follow? Ken Leners said that the Board should seek legal advice for setting these positions if this is what people would like to see.
Gene George asked if this would be a combination of the two offices? Not at this time, this is just a discussion. Gene would be against combining these positions due to embezzlement. He feels that the Town has enough qualified persons to run for these positions. We don’t have to go over town lines to hire people.
Tony appreciates all the input. It would be whatever the Town wants to do. From the Board’s perspective, a lot more is required of these positions than in the past. If there are people available that would be good.
Kelly Weiss asked what happens at this point if something happens to the Clerk? The Board would appoint someone to complete the term. He would not like to have this option taken away from the voters.Checks and balances are very important. Our Town does complete an annual audit. Janet wondered if the person is subjected to a criminal background check. If elected not need to do a criminal background check. Sue Sleik suggested that the advantage to appointing someone, would assure that person is qualified to do the job.
The next subject for discussion is placing welcome signs on each end of Mikana. Xcel Energy has directed that all attachments, such as flags, xmas decorations no longer be attached to their distribution line poles. So, we are looking for volunteers to recommend what could be placed and follow the land use building code requires to install signs.
At this time the minutes from last year’s annual meeting minutes were read. The motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Jon Sleik. This was seconded by Louie Okey and approved by all.
Next Jon Sleik gave a report on the Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services Dist. He thought he would have a lot to share, but things have not come together well at this time. The plan is terrific. There have been modest donations. They are working with 3 private people to create a $1 million matching fund. Also, working on two grants. Of all the municipalities involved in the district the only one who could help with grants would be the Village of Birchwood. At this point they have their own community grant for water for the Village. SEH is working with the village to see if they could support another grant. Also, reaching out to USDA – Spooner for grant information as well. If they would be required to re-submit the bids, they could increase as much as 20%. They are excited to meet in a couple of weeks with an individual who may support the grant and encourage others to participate.
Jon went on to say that we are very fortunate to continue finding excellent EMTs and firefighters to join. Fire Chief and Ambulance director are doing a great job. The two services are in good shape. Just frustrated not able to secure funding to build. The committee did consider the way the entity is assessed to the municipalities. Since 2008, it is based on EPV. Will consider going forward with alternatives. At this point Cedar Lake pays 31% of the budget.
Louie Okey asked if the way to allocate the funding as discussed at last town meeting had been presented to the BFCESD committee? Ken answered that yes it did go before the committee last Thursday. The 7 entities had received direct from their Boards. It did not pass to use the access points instead of EPV.The BFCESD does not have the authority to dictate what we should pay and do not have the authority to charge a fine. It is up to the Town Boards to approve the funds for the budget.
Louie Okey asked what would happen if everything falls apart? Go back to Rice Lake? Ken Leners stated that there are options. Does want to see this work. Board needs to be a good steward of taxpayer funds. Ken is suggesting that there be a rotation of BFCESD commissioner positions, so others get to know the positions. Jon has been president for 11years. There needs to be equitable distribution of the budget. Tom Handke asked what the difference would be the other way. Ken replied from memory that Long Lake would be $10,000 less with fire number access points compared to current equalized property value ratio, and Cedar Lake would be about $8,000 less. There followed more discussion.
Louie Okey made the motion to hold the Annual Meeting on April 25, 2020 at 10AM. Sue Sleik seconded. Vote of hands, aye 12 – 0 nays.
Under public input, Tony Wolff talked about the new website which just went live. It appears to be more professional as the Town has hired someone to monitor the website. This was done to provide continuation if Board members were to change. The cost is $50 per month. Ken mentioned that he monitors hits per month and we get about 300 per month. Last summer, this increased to over 1,000 in the months of June/July.
Jon Sleik stated that the July 4th parade will be held on the 4th of July this year.
Jon Sleik made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Sue Sleik seconded and all approved.
(Served coffee, juice, rolls) (11:50)