Buckthorn Information

2022 Annual Report
Buckthorn Project
HISTORY: This project began with a small group from the Town Board and the Lake Assoc attending a meeting with Ryan Magana DNR Biologist explaining that the tree suddenly appearing in our woodlots was Buckthorn and why it needed to be controlled. The unofficial committee thought a local service would be a good idea. Without giving it much thought I agreed to head up a new local project.

Initial $250 individual donations for supplies
Town Board offered to serve as fiscal agent and provide space in new shop
Advertised a first workshop in Mikana, attracting 60 participants from surrounding
communities. Other workshops were held in near by communities.Article in Chronotype and call from DNR in Madison, like what we were doing and
wanted to help. Resulted in 2 grants over a 4-year period.

Primary purpose is education informing the public.
1-2 workshops per year
Local articles written for Chronotype: also have had articles published in Wi Conservation

Groups and one in Whitetails Unlimited, a Midwest publication for deer hunters and a second in a national organization, Quality DeerManagementAssociation (QDMA)

Spoke to HS and college classes and area service clubs.
In addition we meet with any landowner who seeks information or supplies. Approx.300 landowners, smallest a city lot with 1 small tree to 500 acres hunting land. again. Will get results in December.

Will Bowe (Cameron) attended 1" workshop in Mikana and showed up at everyone since.

Within a couple of years Will was serving landowners in Cameron &Chetek area and rather than getting all supplies from Mikana we established a second shop in Cameron. The Cameron HS agreed to store supplies. Will has been hanling what we call the satellite office the past 3 to 4 years

On his own imitative Will attended training in Spooner and is licensed as a trainer and applicator, which I am not.

As I indicated in my report last winter I will be retiring from leading the Buckthorn
Project at the end of this year though will continue to help with training workshops and should
we be successful with the new grant I have agreed to handle that. Will is willing to take over the Buckthorn Project or work with anyone from the Mikana area. I would hope someone from Mikana would be interested in getting involved. It is a unique project and the only one of its nature in the state.
It has indeed been a pleasure to work with the Town Board first as a resident and for the past 3 years as a neighbor.

Download Report Here. 

The Buckthorn contact person for the Town of Cedar Lake is : Brady Wolff / 715-7901649.