Town Meeting Minutes August 14, 2017


     The monthly Board meeting of the Town of Cedar Lake was held on Monday, August 14, 2017 at 6:30 PM.  Board members present are Ken Leners, Chairman, Tony Wolff and Kory Weiss, Supervisors, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux, Treasurer.  Also present were 42 other persons. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Ken than announced the outcome of the special meeting.  The Board concurred with the increase in wages for the police by 1.5%.  The other subject, compensation and performance was tabled until later.

     The first item on the agenda was the reading of past month’s minutes.  A motion to approve as read was made by Kory and seconded by Tony.  All approved.

     Under public input, Mary Hele wondered about the minutes being posted to the website.  They are not able to be posted until they are approved at the next meeting.

     Gary Garbe inquired about the use of tables for the Community Picnic on August 27th.  Not a problem.  This will be held at the Joel Wosepka Park from 2 to 4.  All are invited to attend.

     Next the discussion was had regarding chairs to town shop for special meeting on August 19th.  Gary Garbe will have the PA system working for that.  Tony will assist.  The doors will open at 8 AM with the meeting beginning at 9 AM.

     Financial reports from Gladys, Treasurer and Maryhelen, Clerk were next on the agenda.  Both are balanced with each other as well as all bank accounts.  Ken will go into more detail regarding the budget at the Sept. meeting.

     Mike than gave the report on the roads for the past month.  The wedges on the roads have been completed, county has done the chip seal and crack filling.  Scott has install the fire signs which were left.  Culverts have been replaced with the three towns working together.  Driveways inspected.  Hauling gravel.  Loew’s Rd. is still a problem with the beavers.  Mike suggested a letter to all property owners.  It seems another town is being sued for their issue with beavers.  The letter should be sent to Loew’s, Elliot and Robarge.  Kory will ask DNR and WTA for advice.

   Mike said there is a problem with donuts in the road on Glasgow.  RJ is aware of this and is working with Dave Moin.

   Kory discussed the brush pile on town property.  Feels too much time is spent to push back.  Need to work out timing to take care of this.

    Next report was from RJ Severude.  He has had 22 calls during the month.  He checked on Reisdorf address with the 911 system.  It does come up as Mikana there.

     Next Jon Sleik gave the report for the BFCESD.  If the fire dept. has three false alarms from a property owner, the property owner is fined.  Jon said that the new fire truck body has been delivered to Darly to complete the truck.  Each entity to pay a share based on equalized value for their portion of the truck.  Town of Cedar Lake’s share to be approximately $70000. Cindy Fairchild will send a notice.  A 3.3-acre site has been purchased for the fire hall.  Now they are working on a plan and proposed cost.  Then each town will be noticed of their portion.  It is suggested that a referendum be done on this.  The budgets will be finalized at the Sept. meeting and submitted to each entity for their budgeting. Kory asked about their budgets for equipment.  The fire dept. has $88000.  By the time the next ambulance is needed there will be enough for that.  Jon would like to find a successful grant writer to help with raising funds for the new building.

     Next Tony gave the info regarding the new website.  It is “”.  Ken explained that generic e-mails have been setup for each office so that new board will be able to continue the use of them, with only changing the password.  Ken thanked Tony for all his hard work to make this happen.  This will be an ongoing project.

     Ken next spoke about the fireworks resolution/ permit.  He has created a permit which would need to be submitted 2 days prior to actual event to county sheriff, fire dept., and town board.  There will be no fee for this permit, but will have time constraints. This has been forwarded to Tony for the website.

     The UDC position was voted on last month to proceed with Scott Schieflebein being appointed as of August 1st.

     Kory is working on the contracts with Aramark and Extensive Lawn Service. With Aramark, we are billed for a little over a $1000 per month for rugs, rags and uniforms.  It seems very excessive and the men say that the quality is not good.  It was suggested by dale Campbell that a letter should be written prior to the end of the contract or we may not be able to get out of the contract.   With Extensive Lawn, it seems that no good sense is used in mowing.  Maybe take bids for work, talk during the budget process.  Kory will continue working on both of these issues.

     Kory than spoke about the uses of golf carts on the roads over in Loch Lomond.  The Town does have the ability by St. Stat. to form an ordinance to allow this.  Those persons interested need to get in touch with law enforcement, safety and research.  The Board will leave this research to those interested.

     The next item for discussion is the crossing for ATV/UTV’s over the bridge in Mikana.  Roy Buckner and Doug Fischer attended a meeting at the county level in regard to this issue.  Dave Moin is in favor of some route, but feels across the dam would be best.  It would take special matting, fencing, rock.  It would cost about $5000 to make a viable crossing.  The county will be tabling for time being to see what funding Town would have available.  Ken will contact Jeff French as approval would need to come from Madison, not Spooner.  At this time, we would not go down the $5000 path.  More input to follow in the next couple of month. Ken said that regardless of which avenue is pursued, we don’t want to make access to the dam harder for those working on the dam.  There should be some grants available for a dam crossing.

     Under new business, the board has received propane bids for 2017-2018 winter.  We have three bids, Ferrell at $1.19 pay as you go, Northwoods at $1.099, pay in full and Lakeland at $1.08 with $250 down.  Kory made the motion to accept the bid from Lakeland at $1.08 for season.  Ken seconded and all approved.

     Board than went thru mail received during the month.  Kory had been approached for a “Children Playing” sign.  He will talk with Mike.  Jon suggested to call the county because of liability before placing this sign.

     Tony made motion to pay the claims as submitted.  Kory seconded and all approved, Ken made the motion to adjourn the meeting.  Kory seconded and all approved.

     This meeting was noticed in the Chronotype, Mikana General Store, Quillen’s, Town Hall bulletin board and Loch Lomond Beach Club.


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