Pledge was recited.
Minutes from last meeting were read and approved.
Input – Romaine is ready for new building.
Trailer update – Mick suggested we put ad in paper. Don said he would put sign in window of trailer.
Discussion on site evaluation:
- more parking stalls
- retention pond
- approximate property line
- parking in rear of building
Mick suggests turning the building for easy frontage road access.
- Member ideas: plans for building look good as presented with a few cosmetic changes in building.
- drive thru bays – optional
- kitchen moved
- meeting room moved
- storage space – there will be a mezzanine area
- wash bay with curtain
These were suggestions.
Mick and Ken G prefer no public use
- possibly solar heat panels
- diesel tank and generator outside building
- in-floor heat
Virginia will talk with Village Board regarding Edenharder Rd – grade be changed to accommodate the fire station.
Don will talk with Cooper regarding changes.
Next meeting February 13
th, 6:00 p.m.
Motion by Beffa, second by Quinn to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m.]]>