Monthly Meeting Minutes I April 10th, 2023
April 10, 2023 Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Town Board, the Town of Cedar Lake, met at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana on Monday, April 10, 2023 at 6:30 PM. Present was Chairman Ken Leners, Supervisors, Tony Wolff and Kory Weiss, Clerk, Maryhelen Drew and Treasurer, Gladys Roux as well as 35 persons. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. At this time,a moment of silence was taken in remembrance of the two police officers killed over the weekend!
Minutes were read from the previous monthly meeting. These were approved as read by Kory and seconded by Tony. All approved.
Next is public input which Ken will limit to 3 minutes each. Mary Hele was the first and started by thanking all who assisted her with her campaign for supervisor. She thanked those who helped with mailings, who introduced her to many people and the door hanging done in the last three weeks. Thank you to all.
Liz Drew spoke about the VFW flag from Mikana that had gotten up to the American Legion in Birchwood. Whenever Tony would like it, she will bring it to go with the other VFW items for Rice Lake.
June Bibeau wanted to know why the minutes from the previous meeting,Feb. had not been posted on the website. Why does it take so long? Ken explained that the minutes are not posted to the website until they have been approved by the Board at the next meeting. It will be checked on for the Feb. minutes. June said that minutes unapproved could be posted. Ken will check with WTA to see what the process is to follow.
Next, Gladys gave the financial report for the month of March. All the numbers match with the bank and the clerk. Ken then went over the budget for the first quarter of the year. We will be receiving some LRIP funds from the state at some point for last year’s summer project. The Town has been making payments for the new fire hall through Dairy State Bank. Now, we need to make the first payment on the loan for that.
Kory spoke about the past month’s road activities which of course included another snow storm of 8 in. As the truck was down again, the guys did well with the one truck and the grader. As the gravel roads are soft, the grader did not do a great job. Scott has fixed the truck of its minor breakdown.
As to summer roadwork, there is not much scheduled besides maintenance on various roads, as well as finishing up shouldering and striping Lemler’s road. Things will be a mess for a while until it dries up.
Mike Hessling wondered if we would know when the road bans might come off. At this time, the Board has not heard anything. We always check in with the other two towns which touch us.
Ken explained that we would be paying a payment of $16363.00 tonight for the grader payment as well as $49927.00 for the first building payment. These two amounts will come out of the balance at the end of March of $175945.00. Did all this without raising taxes.
Next, Mike Hessling,President & Commissioner gave a report on the BFCESD. There has not been a meeting since our last March meeting.
There was a complete board turn over for the Town of Long Lake with this election so not sure who will be the representative from there. Otherwise all other towns have the same representatives. Mike spoke about the progress with the new building. It is on schedule and looks like they will be able to move in May. They hope to have an open house later in the summer(maybe BlueGill Fest Weekend).Kory asked where the memorial brick wall will be located? At first it had been discussed to be on the outside of the building, but have decided that it will be inside the building as a memorial wall.
Next on the agenda is the evidence/ discussion why Chairman Leners should abstain from future ordinance or resolution in regard to recreational vehicles on private property. Ken said that he would not allow any debate or quasi-judicial proceeding, and will talk about the agenda process going forward.
Tony’s concern is that the covenants and restrictions at the LLBC have no business with the Town if all have complied with the county and the LLBC. This position has caused much tension in the whole town and needs to be worked out from the LLBC lawsuit. Kory said that everyone knows how the Board feels on this legal status as of now.
Tony was asking if Ken should abstain from any future resolutions or ordinances as he has a bias towards this subject. Ken stated that he would continue to do his duty as Chairman and do the right thing for his constituents. Ken stated that he is taking action to resolve this issue, that personal safety is now an additional concern, and that doing nothing is a dereliction of duty. Ken asked Kory if Tony had contacted him regarding this issue prior to this meeting. Kory replied “no”.
Ken asked the clerk if there was any policy in place for the town regarding agendas. No, not at this time.
The conversation then went to where Tony had abstained from voting, dissolution of the alley ways, the parcel at the end of the swamp road as there were relatives involved in those decisions. So, Ken feels that Tony should abstain from the camping thing as he has relatives involved in camping. Tony would like to know who that relative would be?
Going back to the agenda, Ken has allowed a certain number of privileges that had to be revoked due to abuse, such as disallowing non-residents to speak during the annual town meeting of electors, which he will do again in 2 weeks.
Supervisor Wolff placed an item on the March agenda that resulted in an unnecessary increase in division among the town board and the community. Supervisor Wolff placed an additional item on the April agenda stating that he would “Provide evidence/discuss why Chairman Leners should abstain from any discussion or vote concerning any town ordinance or resolution regulating the use of recreational vehicles on private property” that incorrectly implied that someone other than a public official himself can force another official to abstain from discussing or voting on a given topic. Therefore, going forward, Chairman Leners will exercise his authority to approve and/or disapprove future l agenda items. Tony explained that this is what is going on. People who disagree with him are being told to stand down. The Annual Meeting is an opportunity for all residents to speak up. There followed more discussion regarding bias on both parties.
Next on the agenda is the discussion of the Gerry Frazier property in town. Todd Barthens had asked to discuss the pool full of water sitting on top of the septic system, trees growing up all over, shed without a roof rotting. It would be great to get this cleaned up. Don Halverson read minutes from October 12,2020 where a letter had been sent to him to clean his property. How is it that one property got cleaned up and the other one didn’t? The town has a public nuisance ordinance. Why would the county be put on it when the town has this? The county did ask him to do some things at this property and he complied but did no more. This was in regard to vehicles. Ken wondered if anyone had asked to buy the property? Todd has had people ask him about parts and other things and when Gerry was asked, he said no.
Louise Gabriel said that in Rice Lake when there has been an issue, the city went in and cleaned up the lot and put the bill on the property tax statement.
After some discussion, Mark Pagenkoph asked if when the committee was formed would they have the authority to do anything. The committee would research and report back to the Board. Ken explained the procedure. Barb Loring asked if the board followed recommendations of the committee. Yes, they have done so. Katherine Minitari asked if something could be put in the minutes to ask for volunteers for this committee. A message could be posted on the website. Buck Truitt will contact Gerry to see if he would be interested in selling the property. Todd Barthen said that he would work on this committee.
The newly elected officers from the April 4th Election were then sworn in for the new term to begin on April 18th, 2023.
Under correspondence, Ken has talked with Chris Dolen who is scheduling a CPR training on May 23, 2023 at 1 at the Cedar Lake Town Hall. Ken wanted to know if anyone would like to attend. It was suggested that the clerk reach out to all the poll workers. The certification is for 2 years.
The BOR for the town is scheduled for April 24, 2023 from 1:30 to 3:30. Need to check on training for at least one person on the Board. The clerk will get information.
Scott said that he and Ken G. are signed up for the road safety course.
Ken has a letter from the County Hwy. Dept. inviting the board to an open house at the new shop in Barron on April 27. Scott will call in the number to attend.
The clerk had the following correspondence:notice from co. treasurer regarding list of property which is going back for back taxes, notice from insurance co. regarding cyber endorsement, notice from Barron Co. about hearings for Timmermann’s ,a farewell note from Dick Ballou,notice of Barron Co,Zoning holding a hearing on April 12 regarding amendments to the Barron Co. Land Use Ordinance, WTA wanted to know paper or electronic for news magazines each month.
The next item was to discuss the payments for the month.
As the Board needed to go into closed session, the people were asked to leave the building. (8:15)The reason for the closed session is for the Board to discuss a letter proposed by the attorney to respond to a claim. When done with closed session, the board will go back into regular session only to adjourn the meeting for the night.
Ken did not want to proceed with the Attorney’s recommendation without approval from all the board regarding the letter which the attorney drafted to respond to the claims. Kory asked if there was any other correspondence from the attorney? No.
Ken feels that the board should publish the claim in its entirety and will obtain the Attorney’s guidance. .
As there was no further discussion, Ken made a motion to comply with the attorney’s recommendation of the letter. Kory seconded and all approved this motion.
Kory made the motion to adjourn the closed session. Ken seconded and all approved.
The Board reconvened the regular board meeting at 8:20 PM.
Tony made the motion to pay the bills and adjourn the meeting. All approved.
This agenda was posted at : The Grill, Bear Trap, Red Cedar Country Store, town hall, website, Chronotype and LLBC.