Notice | Town Meeting *Updated*
October 11, 2019/
Please note this meeting is a week later than normal!
Notice is hereby given that the monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake will be held on Monday, Oct.21, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the Cedar Lake Town Hall. The agenda will be as follows:
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Reading and approval of past month’s minutes.
- Public input.
- Financial report
- Report of past month’s road activities.
- Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services report.
- Old business
- 2020 Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services Budget Resolution.
- New business
- Discuss potential purchase of Hwy 48 and Cty V landing.
- Discuss Election Security Grant Program.
- Determine location for USPS cluster mailboxes.
- Consideration of correspondence received.
- Discussion and payment of claims.
It is noted that the Town Hall is handicapped accessible. It is noted that the meeting may be recorded. All interested persons, please plan to attend.
Please note the date change for this meeting.
Maryhelen Drew, Clerk
October 16, 2019
Added Agenda item:
New Business:
8d. Determine date/time for elector’s meeting to approve 2020 Town Budget.