Notice is hereby given that the monthly meeting of the town board of the Town of Cedar Lake will be held on Monday, June 14, 2021 at 6:30 PM at the Cedar Lake Town Hall. The agenda will be as follows:

  1. Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Reading and approval of past meeting minutes.
  3. Public input
  4. Financial report
  5. Past month’s road activities/future projects
  6. Birchwood Fours Corners Emergency Services Report
  7. Old business.
    1. Legal opinion concerning the public boat landing, Hwy. 48 & V
  8. New business
    1. Approval of all liquor, operators, and cigarette license applications submitted to the town board.
    2. Harold & Anita Nevin, variance request for new garage, 2583 27 ¼ – 27 ¾ Ave.,Rice Lake
    3. Harmony Bay Rd., LLC, Sally & James Griffin,request for variance, special exception for Tourist Rooming House’
    4. Loren Paul, Gateshead, variance/ special exception for camper on lot.
    5. Disaster Damage Aids Petition (Lemler Rd).
    6. UDC Inspector discussion.
    7. Possible sale of old tables.
  9. Consideration of correspondence received during the month.
  10. Discussion and payment of claims.
  11. Adjournment

Anyone wishing to attend remotely via Zoom, please see the website for login information. It is noted that the town hall is handicap accessible. It is noted that this meeting may be recorded.

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