September 11,2017 MONTHLY MEETING
The monthly meeting for the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake met at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana on Monday, September 11,2017 at 6:30 PM. Present were Chairman, Ken Leners, Supervisors Kory Weiss and Tony Wolff, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux, Treasurer. Also attending were 41 other persons. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence in honor of the Sept. 11 victims.
The minutes were read from the previous monthly meeting. These were approved as read by Tony and seconded by Kory. All approved.
Under public input, Ron Richlick asked about minutes of the closed meetings which had been held. When would these be released. Ken explained the reasons for the closed meeting which was the subject of employment/ compensation for police chief. These meetings were held according to the statutes. These items will be discussed further in the meeting.
Gary Garbe reminded people that the Parade Committee would be holding a meeting on Sat. Sept. 26, at Quillen’s Big Bear at 9 AM if anyone is interested in joining.
Kory stated that there would not be financial reports from the clerk and treasurer this meeting. Board members have looked at the reports and all figures balance. If anyone would like a copy, please ask.
Ken then spoke about the budget. The Town Hall stairs are to be started next week. We will be holding an invoice from the Barron County Highway Dept. for $40,000 at this time. All overtime has been pulled by the Board with approval from Ken. Mike will have 80 hrs. and Scott will have 50 hrs. only in a two week pay period. After looking at the income minus expenses for the next three months, the Town will still have a shortage of approximately $48,334 depending on revenue generated by timber sales
Next on the agenda was the report of roads by Mike Gallo. Again, they have had to deal with trees due to storms. There have been some washouts. Mike also reported that there is some storm damage still from 2016 which has not been cleaned up. He feels that he was not hired to supervise or manage himself. Would like a meeting with Kory as he feels that the need to be supervised by one person only. Ken responded that as chair, he will talk with anyone sitting at this table at any time as needed.
Police report followed by RJ Severude. He has helped the county with 2 calls, had 7 service calls. He has some training scheduled for Oct 2 & 3 at no cost to the Town. The theft that had occurred has been solved.
Ken then had an update on the law enforcement coverage. We have received the report of threat assessment, we have talked the budget, and we had public input on Aug. 19. Now it is time for the three board members to make a decision. The choices are;
- No change to current coverage
- Immediate repeal- reduce spending by $105000
- Contract with Barron County Sheriff at cost of $105000 – no benefits.
- Feb. 20th, 2018 referendum for registered voters.
There followed much discussion. Kory went thru the choices asking where the funds would go from the police budget, road maintenance? The third choice of the Barron Co. Sheriff is not an option as it would be same cost. He would go for the fourth option of a referendum. Tony feels that from the start was to have certain things to happen. As the Four county participation never happened, he feels we should repeal, have a referendum. Tony made the motion to repeal the Four Corners Police Dept., effective immediately, rename the police to Cedar Lake Police. Kory does not feel comfortable to second. There followed discussion with Ken not able to second tonight. If this were to happen there should be other options available and ready to proceed. Tony then made a motion to withdraw his motion at this time. This was seconded by Kory. All approved. Tony believes in the referendum. Ken then explained his findings with the attorneys to the other board members. There followed much discussion. Kory made the motion to have a referendum to be held on Feb.20,2018 to determine future of the Cedar Lake Law Enforcement. Ken seconded this motion and all approved. Roll call vote: Ken, yes: Kory,yes:Tony, yes. Tony asked if there would be no decision made on the 4 Corners Police Dept. Ken said not today. Discussed other options. Verbiage will be worked out for the referendum.
Next item is the Police Commission. Status of this committee was created to be a joint police dept., therefore needing a police commission. As that did not happen, there is not a need for this commission. It is recommended by the Board to align the current situation in a more appropriate manner. Put the police supervision under the Chairman with Tony supervising as the alternate on a daily/weekly basis. Dave Dhein requested reasons why. Ken stated that we are under 5000 population, so therefore do not need a commission. Also, we have no contract with the current police, need contract. There has been no quarterly meeting held by the committee, unauthorized use of credit card, poor communication. The plan is to inventory property, address the budget, answer RJ’S questions, update employment contract. Tony is to collect all documents from the committee and take care of appropriately. A contract will be issued to align with the current fiscal year through Dec. 31, 2017. In Nov 2017, issue a new contract for Jan-Dec. 2018. There followed much discussion. Ken made a motion to repeal the ordinance which enacts the police committee. Kory spoke about problems due to lack of communication among Board members complying with open meetings law. Dave Dhein feels the intent is to take over power. Kory suggested that the Town needs to have things more concrete. Ken stated that some actions taken by the police commission were illegal, so this is to keep the Town out of trouble, not a power grab. There is a motion on the floor made by Ken to repeal the ordinance which enacts the three-person police committee. Tony seconded this motion. Roll call: Ken,yes: Kory,abstain: Tony, yes. Ken directed Dave Dhien to transfer all FCPD documents to Tony Wolff .
There is no report from the BFCESD as the meeting will be held on Thursday evening.
Under old business, as WI Statutes has a fireworks ordinance in place, the Town does not need one unless we would be stricter. So, anyone wishing to do fireworks must fill out request.
Next item for discussion is the Mikana ATV/UTV bridge crossing. There have been meetings with Dave Moin (Deputy Sheriff) and Jeff French (County Administrator). Ken will also meet with Mark Servi (Highway Commissioner) . If approved there, will put together a packet to go to WisDOT in Madison. Makes common sense to make the Hwy 48 bridge crossing legal. Discussion follows. Hopefully all actions (documents, signage)will be in place before Memorial Day, 2018. There is some new legislation if passed would allow bridges to be used by ATV/UTV is the speed limit is 35 mph.
Under new business, Chris Gleize appeared on behalf of his mother-in-law in regard to a request for a tourist rooming house at 2846 E. Lakeshore Dr. One side of the property has a public access. He has contacted three neighbors who seems to be OK with this plan. Chris was asked if he was part of the Loch Lomond Beach Club. Yes, he is and the Beach Club does not allow this according to the covenants and restrictions. Chris was asked if he would like to continue with this process. He would like to go ahead, although Kory had talked with one of the neighbors who feels that this action would diminish the value of their property. Ken made a motion to approve tourist rooming house. Tony seconded and all in favor. Chris will proceed from here accordingly.
Next, Dave Dikken appeared to discuss a CSM on Hemlock Lake. He owns all of the lots and had them re-surveyed for resizing. As there were no objections by the Board, the County permit was signed.
Next item is to set a day for Budget workday. It will be Oct. 11, 2017 at 9:00 at the Cedar Lake Town Hall.
The correspondence from the month was discussed. Aramark does need written letter 60 days prior to end of contract. As we have missed that, we will give them another 30 days to get better with their service.
Kory made a motion to pay the bills as submitted and adjourn the meeting. Tony seconded, all approved. (8:30 PM).
This meeting was noticed in the Chronotype, Mikana General Store, Town Hall, Quillen’s and Loch Lomond Beach Club.]]>