Special Meeting of Electors Minutes | November 13, 2023

Ken brought the special meeting of the electors to order. The purpose of this meeting is to:

  1. To approve the 2023 total town levy (to be collected in 2024)pursuant to Wis. Stat. 60.10(1)(a)

Linda Zillmer spoke up regarding the BFCESD saying that whatever affects one municipality affects all of the municipalities. There is a problem with the hydrant at the fire hall, the bank is sliding into the yard below the hall. There are some kinks to be worked out. She wanted to point out that at the Nov 9, 2023 meeting of the joint committee that an unnoticed action had occurred in regard to the overpayments by the municipalities for the building. No conversation on how this will affect the budgets of all these municipalities. It appears to be about $99000 of the building funds which were not used in the process. Linda pointed out that this action taken by that committee violates the open meeting law as an unnoticed action taken by the Board.  Ken will be discussing this in the regular meeting.

Tony Wolf made the motion to accept the town levy as supported by the budget for 2024. Kathy Leners seconded this motion. There was no discussion. A show of hands was taken in favor of adopting the levy. This number is 17. Opposed was 0.

Mary made the motion to adjourn the special meeting of the electors. This was seconded by Lois Gabriel. All approved. (6:20)

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