Special Town Meeting Minutes | November 9, 2020
The special meeting of the electors for the Town of Cedar Lake was opened at the close of the Budget Hearing.
Salary increases were discussed for the following which would be effective April 2021: BFCESD Commissioner, $200 per month, Clerk,$250 per mon., Treasurer, $100 per mon. Mike Gianoli asked what percentage of increase this would be? Ken stated about 11% over the last 6 years, or 1.8% per year. Mike thought it was very reasonable.
Doug Fischer made the motion to adopt the budget for 2021 as presented. Mike Hessling seconded this. As there was no further discussion, show of hands vote was taken. 15 approved, 0 disapproved.
June Babineau made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Doug Fischer seconded and 14 in favor. (6;47)