Town Caucus January 12, 2019
January 12, 2019 Caucus The caucus for the Town of Cedar Lake was held on Saturday, Jan.12, 2019 at 10:00 AM at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana. There are 40 people attending. The meeting was run by Ken George and John Brunclik. Ken began the meeting by explaining that the purpose of the meeting is to nominate candidates for the Town Board to run for the spring election being held on April 2, 2019. He explained that if more than two persons were nominated for a position, a ballot will be taken. Persons voting on this must be registered voters in our town. Ken opened the nominations for Chairman for a 2 year term. Mark Pagenkoph nominated Ken Leners for a second term for the position of Chairman. This was seconded by Doug Fischer. No additional nominations,called out three times by Ken. Doug made the motion to close the nominations for Chairman. This was seconded by Mark and approved by all. Ken Leners will be the candidate for Chairman. The next nomination is for the position of Supervisor 1 being held by Tony Wolff. Mike Wolff nominated Tony Wolff for a second term for this office. Robyn Carlson seconded and all approved. As there were no additional nominees, Ken closed the nominations after calling three times for nominations. Bruce Penzkover made the motion to close the nomination. This was seconded by Robyn Carlson and Liz Drew. Tony Wolff will be the candidate for Supervisor 1. Next office to be nominated is Supervisor2 which is currently held by Kory Weiss. Grace Reisdorf made the motion to nominate Kory Weiss for Supervisor2. This was seconded by louie Okey. As there were no additional nominations,the nominations were closed with a motion from Doug Fischer and seconded by Steve Schiless. All approved. Kory Weiss will be the candidate for Supervisor2. Next office for nominations is that of the clerk held by Maryhelen Drew. Mark Pagenkorph nominated Maryhelen Drew for Clerk. This was seconded by Karen Scott and Kelly Weiss. As there were no other nominations, after three calls by Ken, Tony Wolff made a motion to close the nominations. This was seconded by Doug Fischer. Maryhelen Drew will be the candidate for clerk. The last office to be nominated is for treasurer which is currently held by Gladys Roux. Doug Fischer nominated Gladys Roux for the position of treasurer. This was seconded by Karen Scott. As there were no further nominations, Ken closed the nominations after three calls. Mark Pagenkorph made the motion to close the nominations. Roger Roux seconded this. Gladys Roux will be the candidate for treasurer. The next item of business is to nominate the caucus committee for 2021. Currently we have Ken George and John Brunclik. A motion was made by Louie Okey to have these same men to chair the caucus in 2021. This motion was seconded by Robyn Carlson. All approved. Motion carried. Mark made the motion to adjourn the caucus until 2021. This was seconded by Doug and approved by all. Motion carried. ]]>