Town Meeting Minutes | April 5, 2021
APRIL 5,2021
The open book for the Town of Cedar Lake was held on Monday, April 5, 2021 by Randy Prochnow. The hours were 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM.
The following persons, elected at the Election on April 6, 2021 met at the Town Hall In Mikana at 6:00 for the purpose of taking the oath of office for the next two year term: Ken Leners, Chairman, Tony Wolff & Kory Weiss,Supervisors, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux for treasurer.
The monthly meeting for the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake was held at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana on Monday, April 12, 2021 at 6:30 PM. Present was Ken Leners, Chairman, Tony Wolff & Kory Weiss, Supervisors, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux, Treasurer. Eleven persons attended and one person by Zoom.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The minutes from the previous special meeting and monthly meeting were read and approved These were approved as read by Ken, Kory seconded and all approved.
Under public input, Roger Roux mentioned that Gladys had been receiving a lot of calls regarding the road weight limit signs being taken off the roads. Scott said that the gravel is a little spongy at this time. Ken suggested that people should be told to check the website daily for notice. The earliest removal of road bans in the past five years has been April 22.
The financial report was given by Gladys, treasurer. The clerk balanced with all accounts. Ken then gave a financial report for the 1st Qtr of 2021. A discussion of future funds which the Town may receive from the Federal Gov`t’s American Recovery Plan Act ($93,216.00) was held. These funds may have to be used for a specific program. There will be 2 yrs. In which to use the funds. The clerk was requested to send a bill to Barron County for Mikana Dam of $3,000.
Kory spoke to the fact that Barron Co. Hwy. Dept. will not be able to have culverts stock piled this year for the towns. This is due to the moving and building of a new shop. Scott has been looking and checking prices for culverts. Kory suggested that maybe it would be a better deal if we bought a semi-load at the time. Discussion was had and decided to do the semi-load of culverts.
Next Kory spoke about the town trucks. Truck # 2 is finally back in service. The cost to repair was more than the $5,500 estimate. Truck #3 has many issues to look at. It is beginning to rust as the hydraulic ram is going through the bed of the truck. We will keep Truck #2 even if we need to replace the box. It now has 98,000 miles on it.
Kory said that the gravel roads on the east side have some soft spots , but feel that they will set up with warm weather. The salt/sand has been covered for the season. There may be enough to get through next winter. If we run short, we will purchase salt as needed.
There is an issue with parking on town roads. This person is a repeat offender. These issues will need to be addressed on a case by case basis to resolve.
Kory has several projects to accomplish over this season, asphalt on Methil Dr., crack filling and replace the remainder of the culverts. Also, try to fix the approach to the stairs at the Town Hall.
After a brief discussion, the Board decided to again hire Delmore Consulting to rate the roads in our town for the State Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER) program..
The information regarding the Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services Dist. will be discussed in length at the Annual Meeting on Sat, April 17th. Randy Purdy from Cheers is planning a fundraiser for the BFCESD of 18 hole golf at Tagalong. The committee has agreed to sell 3 extra vehicles which they feel are no longer needed. Ken then discussed the class for the fire and ambulance for the month of March.
Under new business, Bruce Goode appeared to ask for a setback on his property on Indian Trail Point. He showed the Board the drawing of the building and the reason for the setback. They are hoping to make this home their retirement home. As the Board had no objections to the request, they signed the form for the county meeting.
Under old business, Mike Clamer discussed the survey at Hwy. 48 & V. It is completed at this time. Ken thanked him for doing meticulous work on the survey and the research. The next step is to get the documents to the attorney for a decision. The public has used this right of way (ROW) for decades. Hesslings, current owners, have no intention of ever closing this roadway. Mike C. suggested that the attorney will suggest a perpetual easement. Tony will talk with the attorney. Tony is very appreciative of everything which validates his research on this matter. This will at least allow the public access to remain open. Tony thanks Mike for the very meticulous research.
Next subject was the defibrillator. Ken has talked with a new resident, Chris Dolan, EMT and a licensed instructor for AED. After talking with him, Ken feels that a new defibrillator should be purchased. Chris would hold a training course for 15 persons. Ken feels that the town board, poll workers, and Patrolman should all be trained for the AED. This will be discussed at the Annual Meeting.
Next item on the agenda is a request from Mosaic Technologies to rezone a 1 acre of land in Section 15 next to the park for the purpose of building the hut for the fiber optic cable they are installing. Kory asked about property maintenance on the property. Would a farmer still be able to use the ground around the building? Jennifer from Mosaic said they have a person who maintains the sites. Also, asked about was the driveway. Kory stated that the Town pays money to have the park mowed and would like the same for that parcel. Jennifer said that the site would be marked, maintained and secure. It was suggested that anyone who wants Mosaic in the future should go to their website and sign up for the drop into their home or business. Ken will do it for the TownHall and Shop when he applies for his drop.
Next was the discussion for the Town recycle pickup. It was decided that it would be held on Saturday, June 26th, 2021 at the Town Shop from 10 AM to 2PM.
Under correspondence received, Ken has received a bill from Mark Sterk for beavers. He has captured 12 this spring. Kory received a renewal contract from Cintas. He has been talking with Scott in regards to eliminating this service. Kory will talk with the district representative to see if we can close the contract.
Also, Kory is dealing with Republic Service. They want to charge the Town $150 to pick up the dumpster which is theirs. We have changed to Independent Sanitary. There followed a discussion. The Board disapproves Republic Services request for this fee.
Gladys received a check from Sara Worjiehowski for use of town hall. She requested this to be for the food pantry. Gladys has sent onto the Sheriff’s Dept. a list of all dogs licensed in 2020 but have not licensed in 2021. The lottery credit should be deposited to our town account today.
Ken reminded the clerk of the pay increase for the clerk and treasurer beginning with the May paycheck. Also, to begin in May paying Mike Hessling $200 per month for BFCESD commissioner.
Kory made the motion to pay the bills and adjourn the meeting. This was seconded by Tony and all approved. (8:10)