Town Meeting Minutes | February 8, 2021

The monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake met at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana on Monday, Feb.8,2021 at 6:30 PM. There were several people present by zoom,Tony Wolff, Supervisor, Mike Klutho, Shane Anderson. The following people were present in person, Ken Leners,Chairman, Kory Weiss, Supervisor, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux, Treasurer.

The minutes were read from the previous monthly meeting.

Kory approved these as read with Tony seconding. Roll call: Ken, aye: Tony, Aye: Kory, Aye.

As there was no public input at this time, Gladys gave the financial report. All balance with the banks and each other. Ken mentioned that we had paid a lot of money out to the schools tonight, so money reported on hand will be much less going forward. Ken mentioned that the ProFence people had returned and made the adjustment to the fence around the recycle area.

Kory than spoke about the past month’s road work. Paul’s Sheet Metal has completed the installation of the new boilers in the shop. They do need to come fix a few fittings. The brush pile next to the gravel pit is still smoking. Doug Fischer mentioned that he had used the ice road to come to the last meeting. Two days later, he went through the ice at the shoreline. No one should be driving across the ice.

Kory then went on to discuss the road construction plan for the summer of 2021 of Methil Dr. He has discussed this at length with Mark Servy, Barron Co. highway superintendent. The Board could decide to do all of the project management themselves or we could hire the county to do all areas of the project for the Town.  There was a brief discussion, with the Board deciding to have the county do the complete project. Kory will let them know the amount of our budget and they can plan how far they will be able to complete the project. Kory and Tony agreed that the county knows what they are doing and have the strength of purchase agreements. Kory will run the numbers and send to the Board and get back to Mark with a decision.

The next BFCESD meeting will be on Feb.11, at the Birchwood School Commons area. A new, to us, ambulance has been purchase at a cost of $135,900. There will be a few more costs involved in getting the ambulance ready. Vince Fairchild did a good job with searching, bidding and picking up this ambulance.

The next discussion is the alley abandonment in the village of Mikana. At this point a letter has gone out to each property owner with a return note that they have received the information. Ken had a call from Ken Roen, who was OK after the situation was explained.  There is no one at this time who is refusing their portion of the alley. The next step will be a special meeting to be held on Monday, March 8, at 6 PM.

Next discussion was regarding the landing at Hwy. 48 & V. Mike Clamer has completed the background work on the piece of property, which is explained in a letter he sent with a survey map. The survey map had been received by the county but was never recorded. Mike has not completed the actual survey at this time due to weather. Kory wondered if he would need to do a survey again as we have the map from 2015. After some discussion, it was determined that Mike would go ahead with the survey when weather permits. Ken recommended that all information be scanned to the attorney and schedule a teleconference between the board, Mike Hessling, Mike Klutho, Mike Clamer. Mike Klutho requested copies of all information received tonight.

Shane Anderson appeared by Zoom to discuss an addition to their cottage, at 2720 28 1/8St., Birchwood. They are expanding the porch and adding a deck along with a new roof. He has already been to the county and has a building permit from them. As there is no permit required by the town for this, Mr. Anderson is good to go.

Next the Board needed to vote on the proposed date for the Open Book and Board of Review.  The dates suggested by Randy Prochnow are the following: April 5, 2021 1:30 to 3:30 for Open Book, April 26,2021 1:30 to 3:30 for Board of Review. Ken made the motion to approve these dates. Kory seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Kory, aye: Tony, Aye: Ken, aye.

The Board then discussed options for Ambulance service away from the BFCESD. It is possible that Marshfield Medical Center would be interested in buildng an ambualnce garage on town property. As they get their funding from the transfers & runs, there would be no fee from the town. There would be EMT’s on site 24/7, which would be centrally located. At this time, they now cover all of Doyle, Rice Lake, Oak Grove, Long Lake and some of Rusk Co. the discussion was had about keeping the BFCESD for the east side of the  lake as the roads, addresses are difficult and they seem to understand them. Currently, the fee for the BFCESD Ambulance is $64000 for our town. As Edgewater has recently withdrawn from BFCESD ambulance service, the annual cost share would increase for those staying in the contract. There are no decisions to be made this month.

The Board is discussing whether or not the town would send a letter to the BFCESD of withdrawal as there needs to be nine month notice. In the letter will be the right to rescind this withdrawal if the Board chooses. It would be effective from Feb. 11, 2021 until Nov.11, 2021. Ken made the motion to approve the letter of withdrawal to be presented to the BFCESD on Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021 at their meeting. Tony seconded the motion. Kory has no objection as long as we have the right to rescind. Mike Hessling feels this would be a good time to do a cost benefit analysis by summer to maybe present at the Annual Meeting in April. Roll call vote: Kory, Aye: Tony, Aye: Ken,Aye.

Next was correspondence received during the month. Tony had none. Kory had emails which he had forwarded to the Board members regarding a complaint on the building inspector. As this is not on the agenda, no action was taken. The person had also called Ken and Ken explained that the building inspector has several municipalities which he inspects. At this time, the Board chooses not to discuss any disciplinary action. Gladys is in receipt of the letter of security from Dairy State Bank due to the tax monies which were collected. The clerk had a card for Ken & Becki George to be signed by board members, consent letters to sign for the Clifton, Larson, Allen annual audit. Also, discussed the virtual WTA Dist. meeting. Ken will sign up for this.

Ken mentioned that there is a person who is being watched very closely by the Sheriff’s Dept. Ken will need to work with this person in regard to property on the alley ROW.

Kory motioned to pay the monthly claims. Kory asked if the Board would be asking Hesslings to pay ½ of North 40 Surveying bill as the survey has not actually been completed. Board thought they should pay ½ of any future bill for surveying. Tony asked if DCS had been paid. Yes, that is in the folder also. Kory spoke about Republic trash collection services trying to get us to pay a garbage bill even though we had told them we were done in October 2020.

Ken made the motion to adjourn. Kory seconded and all approved the motion. (8:05)

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