Town Meeting Minutes I April 11, 2022

The monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake met on Monday, Apr 11, 2022 at 6:30 PM at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana.  Present were Ken Leners, Chairman, Kory Weiss & Tony Wolff, Supervisors, Clerk, Maryhelen Drew,Treasurer, Gladys Roux. Also present were 25 persons and 15 persons on Zoom.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read with the correction of discussion about Mr. Roholt and driveway. Ken made the motion to approve the minutes with this correction. Tony seconded the motion, and all were approved.

Under public input, Louie Okey, Barron Co. Board Chairman, spoke about the violations which had been reported to the Zoning Office. He has had discussions with Jeff French, Dave Gifford and Marcia Black. Letters went out to the violators last week. If there are any violations observed, Louie asked that he be contacted.

Next as Louie is treasurer for the Mikana Parade Committee, he wanted to mention that the next meeting for the parade committee will be on Sat., May 16 at 9 AM at the Cedar Lake Grill. Alyssa Robotka has stepped down from the 5K race. Mary Hele has stepped down from the organization of the parade. So, the parade committee is in need of people to help with the celebration.

Mary Jo Wheeler, by Zoom, stated that they have had property on the east side of Red Cedar Lake since 1964. She has noticed that the gray/ sewer water of some campers has been illegally discharged, continuing at least for the last 16 years. The horse trail, which runs behind & between the lots clearly shows gray water/sewage and other items dumped.

Louie, as Chairman of the Barron Co. Board of Supervisors and representative for Dist. 16, asked Mary Jo to email all the information she has available. She said that 16 yrs. ago she had a lawsuit regarding this issue, but dropped after her Mother passed away.  Louie will take a look at the information.

The next item is the financial report from Gladys. All accounts balance with the bank and the clerk.  As it was the end of the first quarter, Ken spoke to where the town is with the budget. Under the capital improvement plan, we had done 2 miles of Lemler Road last year. We have scheduled 2 miles for this year. Kory said that the costs have gone extremely high since last year. He has asked the county for updated numbers. This will determine the projects of Lemler Road and the Swamp Rd. Also, had talked about replacing the flatbed truck at a cost of approximately $90,000 in the fall with no payments until 2023. At this moment, this plan is up in the air as we may be replacing the plow truck instead due to maintenance issues. It is difficult to get vehicles due to national level supply chain delays. Some are ordering now for delivery in the future. Louie mentioned that the county already ordered delivery in 2023. Supply chains seem to be the issue. This truck had been discussed for replacement in 2011 but shifted funds to other important items in the budget.

Kory said that the road activity has been pretty quiet in the last month. Road bans are still on at this time. Culverts have been unplugged. The power washer is down at this time. This might be an item for the budget at some point.

Kory Weiss met with a representative from Monarch Paving in regard to Lemler and Swamp Road. It was determined that there is a good base on both and all culverts have been replaced over the last 5 years. We can do two ways, have the county complete or put the projects out for bids by June. The Swamp Road is 22 ft.  wide with a 3 in. base. Other potential projects would be another cul-de-sac shared with the Town of Birchwood that Bull Doz could complete. Discussion of culverts with the decision to have Scott find out how many are in stock and what the costs are for a new order,

Kory asked Louie if the hours are now being enforced at the recycling center behind the town hall as posted. Don’t think so as it is not manned at this time. The gates are just closed, not locked. Tony also asked if there were going to be netting put in the chain link fence as originally stated.

Ken spoke to this saying that a County employee retirement had occurred and Brent had taken over the position. He also manages the waste recycling plant for the county. Tony will check and see how this is. Kory asked if the cameras were up and running? Louie said they should be gotten as they were in the county budget. Tony will ask about this also.

It was suggested that until the site is manned that the fence could stay open unless there is a problem.

The Budget Resolution for 2021 was presented for approval. There had been some good explanations from the Town’s accountant  and all was correct. Ken made a motion to approve the Budget Resolution 2022-4-1. This was seconded by Kory. Roll call vote, Ken,Aye:Tony, Aye: Kory,Aye.

Mike Hessling gave his April Report for the BFCESD. No meeting has been held since last month. Mike then spoke about the Fundraising Committee which met on 3/24/2022. Since that time there has been an anonymous donation of $200,000. So far there is $2.15 million dollars raised for the new building. There are donations coming in weekly which continues to build a contingency fund. Any funds left after building will be returned to the municipalities according to percent.

Mike said they are expanding the avenue of grant writing as a lady from Birchwood has offered to work with the committee. So, fullbore on grants! There are two towns which have already allocated the funding. Other towns will vote on it at their annual meetings supporting that with the resolution and promissory documents completed. Our town portion will be at this time $472,406.81 (31.5%).

Ken said that this topic will be discussed at the annual meeting with Mike and others present for explanations and questions. At that time the electors will be asked to make a motion to approve or disapprove. Then this would be on the May agenda. Mike will bring an approved floor plan of the new building. Ken mentioned that Mike has been doing a great job as there has been a lot of turmoil with many members passing.

Question was asked if bricks are still available for purchase at the fire dept. Yes, there has been an incredibly positive response. The groundbreaking is tentatively scheduled for May 24th.

As the town has not committed to a dollar amount, the resolution should include a “not to exceed” clause with 10% contingency. There followed a discussion of costs, etc. A quote should be coming in about 5 weeks from Northwest Builders.

Next was the discussion regarding signage from the parade committee. Kory had talked with Tom Nanstad. When the parade committee has its next meeting they will have an update. There was a discussion with several ideas, permanent no parking signs, putting up posts only, adding signs at the right time for the parade, adding signs to the weight limit signs already installed. Kory will work with Scott to inventory posts and signs and come up with a map to place the signs either permanently or temporarily. Louie said that the Sheriff’s Dept. will take care of signage on Hwy. 48.

Kory has been working with Dave Gifford in regard to the subdivision request by Gary Reholt asking what the county is looking for from the town. Tony asked if the subdivision of the property had any purpose for further subdivision. No. Land owner just wants to sell land to his son. It seems there is some fine language in the statutes which the county is having trouble with. Koryp will follow up with Dave Gifford. Mr. Roholt is being very patient.

Next was discussion regarding the response from Barron County Land Services regarding the questions sent to the Director after the November meeting about campers and violations. As a motion to adopt a resolution during the November 2021 board meeting that addressed this issue  failed due to no second, seventeen related  questions were sent to the county to request more information. Also, as requested by Dave Gifford, Director of Barron County Land Services, a property owner  submitted a list of 81 potential zoning violations. There will be a meeting at the Loch Lomond Beach Club on April 2,said Jim Ludwig, vice president,who will be modifying policies to enforce within the Beach Club area.

Ken went on to mention that within the Loch Lomond Beach Club there are 267 lots with campers, 328 homes, 290 empty lots, and 64 lots with sheds. If the trend continues as last year, it is possible that campsites will surpass the number of homes.

Ken asked Kory and Tony for any comment on how to proceed. Tony said he had seen the list of violations. It’s spring, and people are coming again. From his view as a supervisor nothing has really changed. He has received emails. The LLBC is doing some revisions of their policies, whether they have enforcement teeth or not, only time will tell. He feels that the ordinance voted tonight would not fix what’s happening, as long as it is zoned that way, how could the town say no.

LLBC said they will be monitoring the situation as well as the county. The organization is trying to do something, as there is a whole new board. Leaders are creating ways to get done what they want to accomplish. The town board shouldn’t get involved as the county has jurisdiction.

Kory feels similar to Tony. He also has received emails,phone calls and many conversations. Not anything has changed since I voted to make forward policies which LLBC. There are homes which are violating as well as some of the campers. Louie said that the county is stepping up and imposing fees on certain properties. No, not in favor. Not many years ago many people sat in on meetings discussing the  use of ATV/UTV on town roads. It is not up to us to select what type of recreation is good or bad. Kory will not second this ordinance.

Ken said that the town has never said that they don’t want campers. There are 3 parties to control the violations:1. Beach Club 2. Barron County Zoning 3. Town Board. Ken said we should look at history. Has the LLBC managed so far, or has the county enforced zoning? The answer to both questions is no.

Ken wants this ordinance put on the agenda for the  May meeting. The motion to adopt the ordinance would change. The sanitary violations would be a daily fee and a $300 permit fee would be due the Town annually. If this fails, we would have a referendum in November on this issue.

Tony said that his opinion would not change between now and next month. This is a complete difference of opinion regarding enforcement. It is like police enforcement. Feel more secure, as we are already paying the county. The town should not do what the county is supposed to do. People should be attending county meetings and expressing their concerns. There are yard barns all over the town. It bothers me that your representative for WPOA has instructed people to go after Wolff & Weiss for holding back on the situation. My conversation is based on the concerns and needs of the town.Much more similar to law enforcement, a duplication.

Ken said no one is telling people to go after Wolff & Weiss.

After more discussion, it was mentioned that this topic, a hot topic, needed to end one way or the other.

An application has been made for a tourist rooming house for the Kraling Family Estate, 2682 28th St., Birchwood. The property is for sale and the new people will only purchase it if this happens. The town board has never denied a tourist rooming house. Carissa from Jenkins Realty has the form completed which the Board needs to sign for the county. After a brief discussion it was decided that as the sale had not happened yet, the seller’s info should be on this request. All Board members are in favor of this application.

Louie was asked what happens if a tourist rooming house breaks the rules? The Sheriff’s Dept is called. After 2 calls, the license is pulled. If it continues to happen, it then goes to court. Kory said Co. has to enforce tourist rooming houses but not campers?

Ken suggested that Louie attend more town board meetings as he has so much helpful information.

Next on the agenda is the application received by the town board for a Class”B” beer license for Cedar Lake Market in Mikana.  This would permit drinking beer on the premises. As there was no representative present, Ken moved this item to the agenda for May. A representative needs to be present to explain the plans.

The item on the agenda is a new application being made by Steve Wurzner as  he is purchasing Cheers Bar & Grill. A letter stating that Judy & Randy Purdy relinquish the license for this sale to happen. The date of this sale is scheduled for April 15. The letter is  written so that if the closing does not happen until a further date, Purdy’s would still be  able to operate. Judy will let the clerk know when this sale happens.  The Board approved the license to be issued at the time of the closing with proof of closing and payment of the license received.

The next item was the discussion regarding the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). It is necessary to designate responsibility to 2 people and to take the standard deduction on the report. A motion was made by Kory for the 2 people to report to be Ken Leners,Chairman and Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and that the town take the standard deduction. Tony seconded and all were approved.  Roll call vote: Ken,Aye:Tony,Aye: Kory,Aye. This report is due on Apr 30, 2022.Is completed with assistance from Brock, CLA accountant.

Under correspondence, Ken received a letter from Vilas County asking all elected officialsto send letters to legislators that the levy limit imposed by the state needs to be raised.

Tony had information regarding the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). In discussing the BIL, engineers are hired from a list from the state to help write grants to apply for the BIL. The cost could run anywhere from $500 to $2000. These engineers are notable for working on projects that may be awarded through the state. It was suggested that there should always be projects scheduled for whenever funds become available. After some discussion, Tony was asked to take the lead on this project to discover scope of work, funds available, time frames. Maybe Delmore Consulting  could help with this project. Discussion of possible projects occurred.

Ken asked the clerk to have Brock attend the Annual Meeting of electors by Zoom to explain the FY21 annual financial report.

Under mail received, Gladys received funds from the Tuesday Evening Group which were passed onto the Food Pantry.

Kory mentioned that there is a Highway. Appreciation Day on Thursday at mosaic in Cameron. Scott and Ken G. may attend.

Louie and Ken L. will attend the next Highway committee meeting regarding the discussion of opening the road for ATV traffic on Hwy. V. It is possible that all county roads may be opened. This has passed the first step and will be addressed during the County Board of Supervisors’ meeting in May.

A motion was made by Ken to pay the bills and adjourn the meeting. This was seconded by Kory and approved by all. (8:30)


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