Town Meeting Minutes | January 11, 2021
January 11, 2021 MONTHLY MEETING
The monthly meeting for the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake was held on Monday, Jan. 11, 2021 at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana at 6:30 PM. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 7 people present, and 2 on Zoom. Present are Ken leners, Chairman, Supervisor, Kory Weiss, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux, Treasurer. Supervisor Tony Wolff was in attendance by Zoom.
The minutes were read from the previous meeting. Gladys stated that there was misinformation which proved to be false regarding BFCESD. Discussion insured regarding the difference between quit claim deed and perpetual easement.
Corrections were made to the issue. Tony had talked with Chelsea in regard to the website. Things will be better going forward as there will be no BFCESD posting on our website. There will only be a link. Kory made the motion to approve as amended. Ken seconded. Roll call: Ken,aye: Kory,aye and Tony, aye.
As there was no public input from the floor, the financial report was given by Gladys. Ken pointed out that once the checks are written for the tax settlement, the funds will be lower. Gladys stated that we should have written them today, but the county is having trouble with the program. These will be paid as soon as it is fixed.
As it was the end of the quarter, Ken went over the budget in comparison to what has been spent. Also talked about funds received. Budget resolution for 2020 should be ready for the March meeting.
Kory then spoke about past month’s road activities. It has actually been a quiet winter. There have been a few truck issues which are fixed. Paul’s Sheet Metal has been working on installing the new boilers in the shop. Kory had to call Scott in on Sunday as the mulch pile by the gravel pile started itself on fire. It was burning again the next morning. May need to get Bull Dozin to push the pile together so it can be burned.
There is no report for the BFCESD as the meeting will be on Thursday, Jan. 14. It will be a zoom meeting.
Next on the agenda is the appointment of a commissioner for the BFCESD. Ken made the nomination to appoint Mike Hessling to the position of commissioner for the Town of Cedar Lake which woud be effective April 8, 2021. Kory seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Ken,aye:
Kory,aye: Tony,aye. Motion passed.
The Board needed to set the date for a special hearing for the alley abandonment. After some discussion, Ken made the motion to convene the special meeting on March 8, 2021 at 6 PM. Kory seconded. Roll call vote: Ken,aye: Kory, aye: Tony, Aye. Do we need to discuss what to do if an owner refuses their portion of the alley. The Town would retain or offer to other property owners.
The update on the Hwy. 48 & V landing had been discussed with an attorney with all concerned in attendance by video call. The discussion went well. The attorney responded with a 16 page letter. It was agreed that the Hesslings and the Town would split the cost of the survey. There was a survey done in 2015, but it was never recorded in the County. Ken had contacted Mike Clamer to survey the landing. He should be able to do in Feb. Ken made a motion that a survey be obtained with the cost split between the Town and GPRL. Kory seconded. Roll call vote: Ken,aye: Kory, aye and Tony, aye. Tony Wolff stated that this should be included in the road report to the state in Dec. Scott was asked to get the exact measurements of that road.
Doug Fischer said he had driven across the lake from Loch Lomond Beach Club tonight. It has not been plowed and there is an ice heave right by the landing of the Beach Club.
As there was no new business, the next was correspondence received during the month. Ken had been in contact with Ray Zik regarding the new fence around the recycle center. The fence is not level on the northside. This will be fixed in the spring after the thaw.
The assessor, Randy Prochnow, requested the following dates: April 5th for open book from 1:30 to 3:30 and Board of review on April 26th from 1:30 to 3:30. As this was not an agenda item, this will be voted on at the Feb. meeting.
Gladys said that the Town would be receiving a refund of $7.57 from Master’s Touch. This was the company which did the tax statements for the Town this year. So, the total cost was much less than when it was done by the treasurer. The cost included postage, envelopes, making copies and stuffing the envelopes.
Glady also mentioned that the timber sales from the county had arrived. The amount was $22388.45.
As there was no further business, Kory made the motion to adjourn and pay the bills. Ken seconded and all approved. (7:55)