Town Meeting Minutes | January 13, 2020
The monthly meeting for the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake
was held on Monday, Jan. 13, 2020 at 6:30 PM at the Cedar Lake Town
Hall in Mikana. Present was Ken Leners, Chairman, Tony Wolff and Kory
Weiss, Supervisors, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux, Treasurer.
Also present were 8 other people. The meeting began with the Pledge of
Minutes were read from the last monthly meeting. These were approved
as read by Kory and seconded by Tony.
As there was no public input, the next item is the financial report by
Gladys,Treasurer. All accounts balance with the bank and the clerk’s
books. Gladys reported that she has started the account at the bank for the
reserve fund. The chairman and clerk need to go to the bank to sign
papers. Also,they need to sign new papers for the current money market
account. Ken explained the end of year finances stating the Town is in very
good condition. He also discussed the loan for the new fire hall which we
will need to apply for in the spring. That will mean a payment of $32000 on
the loan in 2021, going for 10 years. The Board discussed road costs for
2019 and plans for 2020. The bridge decks are scheduled for 2020 by a
contract signed last summer. Kory asked if we would be staging money
with the County again this year? Ken said that the time for that had passed,
but doesn’t feel that we needed to have done so since we invested a
significant amount of funds in road repair in 2019 that will positively affect
future transportation aid calculations. Also, we may contract with a
non-county contractor for FY 21 roadwork and don’t want to fence funds
with the county in the event the county is not awarded the contract.
Kory then discussed the roadwork for the past month. Per the weather,
we have been dealing with snow and ice. There is an issue on Bolger’s Rd.
with water running across the road. It has now frozen, but this also causes
a problem in the summer. So, we will need to look at that in the spring to fix
Kory had bought an electric shovel to be used on the front town hall
steps and ramp. When going to use, it was discovered that the nearest
outlet for outside was next to the refrigerator. So, Scott called Meyer’s
Electric who installed an outlet from the box in the office to the outside.
Also, noticed that all the snow falls off the roof directly onto the steps and
ramp. May need to look at installing some breaks on the roof. Also, the
boilers in the shop failed again. Paul’s Sheet Metal came and repaired. The
bill will be about $800. Maybe the Board should look at replacement in
2020 or 2021. Kory will start getting some information together. These are
the original boilers installed when the building was built. Ken added it to the
capital improvement plan list.Kory mentioned that two new tires had been
installed on the 1 ton truck.
Tony asked if the problem with the plowing across the roads had gotten
any better? Scott said not really. The notice was posted on the website as
well as a notice from the Sheriff’s Department regarding plowing across the
roads. Ken also hand delivered notices to individuals. The manager at the
Loch Lomond Beach Club also sent out an email to members.
Kory also purchased dash cams to be installed in the equipment. Scott
is charging them and will be installing them.
Next subject, Kory met with Tyler Gretchman from the county regarding
the dam in Mikana. They would like to install a camera device at the dam to
be able to adjust the dam. Kory has some concerns with this. He feels that
there should be an operator on site to connect the boards to pull. Kory said
that they would also like to install a monitor somewhere on the lake. Tony
asked if it wouldn’t be better to install the monitor first to see how the water
flows? There will be more to follow.
The next item was the report on the BFCESD who had a meeting last
Thursday. In the past year the ambulance has had a total of 154 calls with
the fire total is 77 for the year. The committee working on the by-laws has
met twice for a total of 90 mins. There are a few items which Ken will be
passing in writing to the committee, although they are not wanting any
input. One is the issue of residency that requires all representatives to be
from the municipality they live in. Also, should have term limits on all
officers, or rotate responsibilities each year between the entities. The
Service Awards Program needs to be passed on to another municipality.
Cedar Lake has done this since inception. So, Ken has resigned from this
position as of Feb. 1st, 2020. The Awards will be completed before this is
passed on to the next municipality . There followed some discussion that
this position could be assigned to either the president or vice president
position. Mick Givens, bylaws committee chair, has suggested that the
By-Laws committee should have something by March.
Next discussion was regarding the annual cost of housing the fire trucks
and equipment in our shop. Ken had asked to see a lease which BFCESD
has with the Village of Birchwood. They were not able to find one. At the
time this was established, it was to give the residents a better insurance
rate as the truck is here. But that does not apply now. Next month, the
Board will decide the cost of the storage.
Ken made a motion to suspend disbursement of FY 2020 Annual
payment to the BFCESD until the By-Laws have been adopted. A roll call
vote was taken, Ken, yes: Tony, Yes and Kory,Yes. Motion carried.
Next on the agenda Tony spoke about the Mikana mail issue. As he has
been gone for three weeks there has been no contact. He talked with
Postmaster Cora in Birchwood today, asking why he is never able to get
someone with authority on the phone. Someone actually called saying that
the only thing they could provide would be the boxes and it would be up to
others to mount, lights, plowing and care for going forward. He said that
contractors who have development buy the pods from the USPS and take
care of going forward. Tony feels that the Town should not give land in
perpetuity to the USPS. Tony also asked why not rural delivery for us. The
man didn’t have an answer, but would look into it. Bottom line is that the
Birchwood Post Office does not want added mail deliveries. They are at
capacity at this time. The petition needs to be sent directly to the post
office. Tony suggested that we each go and ask for a form to formally have
our mail delivered to our homes. Ken suggested that some progress has
been made today.
Tony then stated that he has a meeting with an Attorney, Mr. Coe, to
discuss the issue at Hwy. 48 & V landing on Jan. 27, 2020.
A discussion followed regarding street lights on West Lakeshore Drive.
Ken has contacted Chad at Xcel Energy and the work order is being
processed. Ken made a motion to approve the installation of three lights
on West Lakeshore by Xcel Energy. Tony seconded and Kory abstained.
Motion passed.
It is noted that the WTA District meetings have been set and there are
two which are close to us. One on March 27th at Lakewoods in Cable and
March 28th in Cumberland. We will all attend.
A letter from, assessor, Randy Prochnow had dates for an open book
and board of review for 2020. He is suggesting the following dates:
Monday, April 6 from 1:30 to 3:30 PM for open book with board of review
on Monday, April 27, 1:30 to 3:30 PM. After a brief discussion, Ken made a
motion to accept the dates as suggested by Randy.
approved. Randy will be notified.
Kory seconded and all
Only a couple of items from correspondence, it was suggested that we
add lawn mowing bids discussion on the Feb. agenda. Also, it is noted that
the Wisconsin Towns Association has information for the hotel for this
year’s convention in the newsletter. We can call as early as Wed. noon for
Tony made the motion to pay the bills and adjourn the meeting. Kory
seconded and all approved. (8:31)