Town Meeting Minutes January 14, 2019

JANUARY 14, 2019     MONTHLY MEETING     The monthly meeting for the Town of Cedar Lake was held on Monday, Jan. 14, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana.  Present was Ken Leners, Kory Weiss, Tony Wolff, Maryhelen Drew and Gladys Roux. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.    Ken than went to 8a on the agenda which is a request for a variance being made by Gary Traynor for a tourist rooming house located at 2539A 27 ¼ – 27 ¾ , West Lakeshore Dr. Mr. Traynor needed to get on the road and roads are not great.  The Board looked at the info provided and have no objections to this variance. The form was signed and given to Mr. Traynor.     The minutes from the previous monthly meeting were read.  Tony made a correction regarding the future of the clerk/treasurer. Tony has no preference, just wanted to get discussion started on this subject regarding appointment or election in the future. Ken made the motion to accept the minutes as modified.  Tony seconded and all approved.     Cathy Hatfield spoke up under public input to say that the Cedar Lake Ladies had a lovely meeting, a wonderful lunch at Cedar Lake Grill. Not sure when next meeting will be.  Ken thanked the ladies for helping to co-ordinating fixing the chairs for the Town Hall. Thank you also for all who helped. It went really fast. The ladies will talk about updating the tables at their next meeting.  The current tables weigh 94# each.     Also, under public input, Kelly Weiss asked if the Board had followed up with Tyler at the county regarding the dam.  It should be inspected on the bottom to make sure the dam is on solid footings. Also, to inquire about the water monitor which has been requested for several years.  Ken thanked Kelly for the recommendation.     Ken spoke about Long Lake doing a study with the University of Wi.-Stevens Point.  They are going to test to see what effects happen if the lake is not drawn down in the fall.  There followed a discussion regarding damage to the shore by ice.       Ken also mentioned that Barron Co. Parks & Rec had posted a questionnaire for the public to respond to in regard to parks etc in the County. Ken has posted this on the website and would encourage all to participate.     Doug Fischer spoke to the V landing as more people are using the Loch Lomond Beach Club lake access to put their ice shacks on the lake.  He wondered if there was a way that landing could be taken away from the property owners. Ken replied that there is a way but feels it is hard to take private property away from landowners. Discussion followed stating that the landing is open in the winter time for all to use.     The next item on the agenda is the financial report given by Gladys, treasurer. Gladys matches all bank accounts as well as with the clerk.  Ken expanded on the budget which is used thru the year for expenses and revenues.The Board than spoke about the budget amount set aside for road maintenance for 2019. The following are the projects suggested: !. TRIPP project, bids are needed, Ken and Kory will work with Mark from the County,:2. Gravel hauling, pick up where we left off two years ago. Kory will get bids ready. 3. Replacement of bridge decks, currently working with Fahrner on costs.4. Replacing culverts on Methil Dr.  After all the bids have been gathered, then the Kory will be able to make a decision which projects get done with the amount of money the Town has for projects.     Doug Fischer asked if the County helped with funds for doing any of these roads, specifically the truck route designation on the east side of the lake?  No. Ken George said this was designed to help the emergency vehicles. It is the Town’s responsibility.    So, the budget closed out for 2018 as a good year on the bottomline.     Kory than gave more report on the past month’s road activities.  We have had to deal with ice mostly as we have had no snow storms.  The ice is bad for everyone. Kory mentioned that residents are able to go to the Town’s salt/sand pile with a bucket and get some to use on their properties. It is the middle pile.     Kory spoke about the wing for the truck. At this time we have had no update on the delivery.  Scott is doing inventory on fire signs to see what we need to order. Kelly asked if the Town is down to one patrolman? This is unknown at this time. Pat did indicate that if there is a snow storm he would help plow. Ken backtracked to discuss another budget item which is the funds to redo the floor in the Town Hall.  It is scheduled for March 18th thru the 22nd, if the Board agrees to have Kitchen & Floor to complete the project. They will sand and seal with 7 coats of a tough product. The Board members all agreed to go forward with the project. Next on the agenda is the report from the Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Dept. given by Ken George. The fire dept. Needed to go rescue the ambulance as they could not get to their call due to the severe ice.  This occurred at 2AM in the Town of Edgewater on Sat. It is reported that there were 56 fire calls in 2018 with 156 ambulance calls for 2018. There have been $21970 in donations received. One donation was a five digit number. Ken went onto express how each and every person who donates will be recognized in the new building. The Feb. Fire Dist. meeting will be in Birchwood with all meetings going forward there as well.  There is an office behind Dairy State Bank which is rented by the fire & amb., 101 W. Loomis,Suite B, second Thurs. Of each month at 6:30 PM. Ken then introduced alternative methods of funding the BFCESD.  He also presented these same ideas to the Commission for their consideration.  These items will continue to be discussed at future meetings. Ken received the information from attending the State WTA conference in Oct. One formula is the current one which is based on EPV, the second option could be 60/40 and the third formula will be based on access points. At this point sharing information only to be able to make an informed decision. Under old business, discussion of the clerk/treasurer offices.  Tony prefaced the conversation by saying that he is not in favor of either elected or appointed. The goal is to setup the Town’s business would be more understanding for the incoming officers.  The recommendation would need to come from electors. There followed discussion. The next was to set dates for Board of Review for the Town. Randy Prochnow suggested the Open Book could be held on April 8, 2019 from 1 to 3PM with the Board of Review being held on April 22,2019 from 12:30 to 2:30 PM.  After some discussion, the board accepted the recommendation of Randy for these dates and times. The next was the correspondence received during the month.  Don Erickson had expressed concern over roadwork. There followed a discussion regarding different blacktop methods and materials. Decided we would need more info to make a good decision. Board discussed attending the WTA dist. Meeting. Gladys and Maryhelen will attend on March 15th. Ken also spoke about a person in the Town who has been requested by the Town previously to cleanup his lot, is now dealing with Marcia Black, County zoning.  A court date has been set for Feb. 5th unless it is resolved previous to that date. Kory received a complaint from an individual regarding parking on the alley right of way.  It was decided that the Board would wait to see what is resolved with the court ate before doing anything. The Board is closer to a resolution than 6 mons. Ago.     Tony made the motion to pay the bills and adjourn the meeting.  Kory seconded and all approved. (8:30) ]]>

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