Town Meeting Minutes January 9, 2017
January 9, 2017/
January 9, 2017 Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting for the Town Board of the Town of cedar Lake was held on Monday, Jan. 9,2017 at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana at 6:30 PM. Present wasJon Sleik, Chairman, Duke Dahl and Kory Weiss, Supervisors, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux, Treasurer. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The minutes from the previous monthly meeting were read. These were approved as read by Duke and seconded by Kory.
Under public input, the road guys were given a thank you from Louie Okey and Roger Menk stating that they have done
an exceptional job and have put safety first.
Also, Jon wanted to recognize Louie Okey for being our BarronCountySupervisor. Hehasdoneagreatjobforthe district. He has worked with the county to pay our town for some of the expenses of maintaining the dam, not just 2016 but also 2017.
The next item are the financial reports from Gladys, Treasurer and Maryhelen, Clerk. Both are balanced with all
bank accounts as well as each other.
Under road activities for the month, Duke and Jon said that the guys have been plowing snow and cutting trees to keep
them off the roads.
RJ Severude than gave the Police report for the past month. It was a quiet December. He has finished his comp time, dealt
with snow being plowed straight across roads by giving landowners a copy of a letter stating that this is not legal, very dangerous. He worked on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve with no problems either time. Today, he has dealt with 2 accidents, 2 attempted suicides, assisted parents of a 12 year old having problems.
Dave Dhein said that R] had gone to Rosemont Elementary
School in Chetek and did a presentation with canine for StUdents. This was received very well by students and teachers.
Jon than gave the report on the BFCESD. They will be meeting on Thursday evening, Jan. 12th, at the Village Hall in Birchwood. The new truck chassis should be to the dept. by
early spring. Then it will take 2 -3 Mons to outfit. The BFCESD will be discussing place for new fire hall.
The Board is in receipt of a letter from Randy Prochnow, Assessor wanting to set the dates for Open Book and Board of
Review for 2017. He is suggesting the following dates and times, Open Book would be on Sat., May 13,2017 from 10 AM to Noon and BOR would be on Saturday, May 20, 2017 from 9 AM to 11AM. These dates are acceptable by the Board
Duke made the motion to adjourn and pay the bills. Kory seconded and all approved. (7:15)
Posted in Minutes