Town Meeting Minutes | January 9, 2021

January 9,2021  CAUCUS

     The caucus for the Town of Cedar Lake was held on Saturday,January 9, 2020 at 10 AM at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana. Ken George and John Brunclik managed the meeting. There were 16 persons in attendance. Ken called the meeting to order and explanined the reason for the meeting is to nominate members for the Town Board for a 2 year term, beginning April 15, 2021. No other business will be conducted.

    Ken then opened the floor for nominations for the position of Chairman, currently held by Ken Leners. Doug Fischer made a motion to nominate Ken Leners. This was seconded by Kelly Weiss. Ken G. called for further nominations. As there were no further nominations, Doug made the motion to close the nominations. This was seconded by Louie Okey.

     Next for nomination is 1st Supervisor, currently held by Anthony Wolff.  Mike Wolff made a motion to nominate Anthony Wolff. Doug seconded. As there were no further nominations from the floor, Ken asked for a motion to close the nominations. Mike Wolff made the motion to close the nominations. This was seconded by Kathy Leners.

     Next are the nominations for 2nd Supervisor currently held by Kory Weiss. A motion was made by Grace Reisdorf for Kory Wiess for 2nd supervisor. Doug Fischer made the motion to close the  nominations. Louie Okey seconded.

    The next position is that of the Clerk which is currently held by Maryhelen Drew. Louie made the motion to nominate Maryhelen Drew. Gladys Roux made the motion to close the nominations. Doug seconded.

     Next was the position of the Treasurer which is currently held by Gladys Roux. Kelly Weiss made the motion to nominate Gladys Roux. This was seconded by Grace Reisdorf. Doug made the motion to close the nominations. Kelly seconded the motion.

    We need to nominate the Caucus committee for the next caucus in 2023. Liz Drew nominated Ken George and John Brunclik to chair the next caucus. This was seconded by Grace Reisdorf and approved by all.

    Doug made the motion to adjourn the meeting. This was seconded by Louie Okey.

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