Town Meeting Minutes | June 14, 2021


The monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake met at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana on Monday, June14, 2021 at 6:30 PM. Present was Chairman Ken Leners, Supervisors Tony Wolff and Kory Weiss, Clerk Maryhelen Drew, Treasurer Gladys Roux. There also were 36 persons in the audience with 12 joined by Zoom.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes from the previous monthly meeting were read and approved by Kory. This was seconded by Tony and all were in favor.

Under public input, Norma Jankowski was wondering about the junkyard in Mikana. Ken said that this will be covered under correspondence.

Terry Byg asked about surveyor stakes in his yard. Is the Town widening the road? He is concerned about trees. The Town is not widening the road. He also stated that he had not received a written letter from the Board to show that he is in compliance with the Nuisance Ordinance. Ken will send a copy to him. Also, stated that he had not received a fire sign at this time. Ken asked Scott to check on the sign. Kory will follow up with Scott.

Next under public input, Mary Hele invited all to attend the 4th of July parade, and maybe participate in the parade. If anyone is interested in joining the parade, please contact Mary.

Ken said that another 500 people had visited the website in the last month.

Tom Goodwin spoke about the invasive species treatment by the Red Cedar Lakes Assc. There is up to 50 acres on the lake which will be treated. There will be 2.4 acres treated between Balsam and Red Cedar. This is a combination with the DNR.

Rolf Kleven complimented Barron County on the culvert repair of Lemler Lane  to Murphy Flowage for hiking. They use it often.

The financial report was given by Treasurer Gladys. All accounts are in balance. The clerk also balances all accounts.

Kory spoke about the past month’s road work. Because of a torrential rain storm a culvert went out on Lemler Rd. The road was shut immediately. The culvert was obtained and installed. Due to this flood issue, we are eligible for 80% of the cost from the State for this repair. Bull Dozin has been working on several cul de sacs as lots have been selling. It is noted that the roads are rough. They are in need of more gravel and rain.

Truck #2 will be going to the shop as there seems to be oil in the antifreeze again. Kory will let the Board know the cost of repair.

It was mentioned that the White Goods pickup will be on June 26, 2021 at the town shop from 10 to 2.

Ken asked what the cost is to upgrade the undeveloped cul de sacs. Kory said between $3000 to $3500 with a 4 in base.

Doug Fischer asked if there would be a delay on the progress of Methil due to the cable being installed. The project will go according to the county’s schedule.

Also, under public input, Ken also spoke about  the class held on the defibrillator by Chris Dolan. There were 9 people who attended and got certified. Ken congratulated them and handed out certificates.

Ken spoke about the financial status of the town. We have a credit of $5,854.96 with the Barron County Highway Dept. We are to receive $98,702.45 from the Federal Government from American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA). The application is due June 18th. Last week Ken and Maryhelen attended a zoom meeting regarding ARPA. These funds are a one time monies to be used over the years until 2026.

As Mike Hessleing is not present there is no report from the BFCESD. There were no actions taken at the last meeting as the president, John Depositer was not present. So, no new officers at this time. Have been notified that Tim Stearns will not be representing the Town of Doyle.

Under old business, Tony had a phone conversation with the Town’s  attorney concerning the Hwy. 48 & V public boat landing, also referred to as 28th Ave. The Attorney advised the information conveyed in the letter remain as written as it was in accordance with the state statutes. Tony made the motion for the Town to continue to maintain and service both the roadway and the boat landing as it has been doing for many decades as an unrecorded public highway.  It also accepts the right-of-way of 28th Avenue is 49.5 feet and meets the boundary set forth on the attached survey document.   Kory seconded. Ken: yes, Kory:yes, Tony, yes.

Next on the agenda is the presentation of all liquor, beer applications made to the Town of Cedar Lake. All are complete with only one having a new agent this year. She is Melinda Hatlan for Stout’s Island. Kory asked if money had been received for all applications. All have paid except for Brill Sportsman’s who has some new officers. Ken made a motion to approve all the licenses as submitted. Kory seconded and all approved.

Next on the agenda was Harold & Anita Nevin to ask for a variance to build a garage. As they were not in attendance this was not discussed.

Next Sally Griffin appeared to request a tourist rooming house for the home next to theirs at 2855 27 1/16 St., Birchwood. After hearing the situation from the landowner, Kory made a motion to approve the special exception. Ken seconded and all approved. Form for the county was signed stating in favor of a special exception.

Next was a request for a special variance made by Larry R. Paul, Chelsea Paul, & Loren Paul. They have purchased three lots in Gateshead and are requesting to obtain a camper permit for each lot. They will be installing electricity, driveway with the hope of eventually building. There was some discussion about Barron Co. Ordinance 17.18 for temporary uses. After a brief discussion, Kory has no objections and feels that the ordinance being applied is ridiculous. Tony second the motion to approve the variance/ special exception. Kory seconded the motion with all approving.  Ken signed the form required by the county as in favor. County charges $500 for each application. In this case it would be $1,500 total.  Kory asked if the Pauls had requested to have the property rezoned. There followed a discussion.

The next item for consideration is the petition for Disaster Damage Aid for Lemler Rd. Ken made a motion to adopt the petition for damage aid for the Lemler Rd. Kory seconded and all approved. Kory said that it will involve private property damage due to the mud going through the properties. Ken will complete the form and submit it to the State.

The county zoning office had called to ask if Scott Schieflebein was still the UDC inspector for our town. Scott has done a reorganization of his business but is still doing home inspections. He now has another man working with him as he has several towns he inspects for at this time.

It has been asked if the Town would be interested in selling any of the old tables in the back shed. Ken suggested keeping them for the use of all of the town at no cost who may have a use for them. Kory and Tony agreed.

Under correspondence, Ken discussed the Jerry Frazier property. A nuisance ordinance created 3 years ago to address the junk issue. Jerry has been granted several extensions over that period. At this time, he owes a $1,900 fine. He will either need to pay by check or attach to property taxes. Jerry will need to submit a verbal and/or written request for appeal. There will be a date for the committee to meet and will make recommendations to the Town Board. As to the fence to the south, the county has that jurisdiction. This will be on the agenda  for July.

Ken has from the county a new MOU for the recycle bins in Mikana. Basically, it points out the time changes. We will have a schedule to post on the website.

Ken is meeting with Mosiac at 9 on Wed. to discuss broadband for the town hall and shop. He will bring info back to the board.

Ken had a recommendation from a family on the east side of the lake to make East Lakeshore Dr. a one-way street. However, as this is  an Emergency Services Route, one-way travel will not be considered.

Dave Gotty had contacted Ken as he feels that there is more water than normal near his property and wondered if a culvert would be an answer. Ken had gone to look and would like Scott to look as well.

Kory and Tony had no correspondence this month.

A letter has been received from the Barron Co. Sheriff’s Dept. requesting a complete map of all the ATV/UTV routes in our town. Ken will update and submit.

Received a letter from Dale Thompson and Mary Tagliarino regarding items on their portion of the alley which belong to the neighbor. Todd Barthen had talked with them last weekend and told him he would have things moved by July 1. He is buying property to have extra room. The little shed is just 2 ft. on their property. Ken feels that something has been done as an effort and this needs to be resolved between the two private parties.

Ken has been contacted by many persons within the Loch Lomond Beach Club (LLBC)area regarding temporary dwelling permits for the campers on the lots within the LLBC. A lot of discussion was had, including that Barron Co. Zoning has a ordinance which addresses this situation in the Barron County’s land use ordinance paragraph 17.18. Ken feels that what is happening throughout LLBC  has a direct negative impact on the tax base for the town.The worst thing that could be done with this situation would be to make hasty decisions or ignore the issue. There are 900 active lots, 262 lots with campers, 314 private structures. There have been 96 lots sold from June 2020 thru June 2021. There needs to be a deliberate decision making process (DDMP). Ken made a motion to change the July meeting from July 12th to July 19th. Kory seconded and all approved. In July a Dwelling committee may be appointed. There followed discussion as to who should be on this committee. At this time,Kory stated that he would remain neutral on this issue with LLBC. From July 19 to August 9, the committee would conduct the DDMP. A recommended course of action  would be presented to the Board at the Aug.9th meeting.

Tony made a motion to adjourn the meeting and pay the bills. This was seconded and approved by all. (8:45)

Attachment: Wiley-June28_2021


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