Town Meeting Minutes| March 14, 2022
The monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake was held on Monday, March 14th, 2022 at 6:30 PM at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana. Present are Ken Leners ,Chairman, Kory Weiss and Tony Wolff, Supervisors, Clerk Maryhelen Drew and Treasurer Gladys Roux. In the audience were 3 persons and 2 attended by Zoom. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The minutes were read from the previous meeting. Tony made the motion to approve the minutes as read. Kory seconded and all approved.
Under public input, Linda Zillmer corrected that there had been only one meeting with the USDA for the BFCESD. She said that she is concerned that the building project is going forward without full funding secured.
The financial report was given by Treasurer, Gladys Roux. Every account balances with the bank as well as the clerk. Next was the Resolution for Budget Amendments for 2021. Ken made a motion to pass the resolution as presented. After some discussion and looking at the figures in the report, it was determined that this would not be approved until a conversation has been had with Brock Geyen, Town CPA. This will be on the agenda for April. A vote was taken: Ken,No: Tony,No: Kory, No.
Next, under past month’s road activities, Scott has burned the brush pile. The trucks have been repaired and returned to the shop. Kory mentioned a discussion regarding paving a section of the Swamp Rd leading to the Brill Area Sportsmans Club from the west. The project will be discussed at the next meeting. Ken asked about the Jake brake sounds near the intersection of Cty Hwy V and State Hwy 48 intersection which has been reported by several people. A discussion followed with the idea that the noise may be the rumble strips instead.
Tony had a picture demonstrating what happens when snow is plowed across roads. It creates built up snow which will freezes like concrete which causes damage to equipment. This will be put on the website.
Kory and Scott discussed the weight limits which will go on our roads beginning March 16. Surrounding towns will be posting also.
As Mike Hessling was not present, Ken read the BFCESD report which Mike had written. It seems there has been a problem with the way the commission has conducted closed meetings and corrective actions have been taken. Ken has spoken to an attorney looking for a legal opinion on the bidding of the new fire hall, and additional discussions will be held to ensure compliance with procurement law. The Board will discuss the procedure and cost figures for the proposed emergency services building during the Annual Meeting of the Electors on April 23, 2022. The commission should have documents to share with all towns involved in this project. It was noted that even though the electors vote, the final decision rests with the Town Board. It was noted that Mike Hessling is now President of the commission. It seems that the Towns of Birchwood and Doyle have already secured funding for this project.
Next item is the Wisconsin Towns Association (WTA) Dist. Meeting which for us will be closer in Cumberland on Apr 8, 2022. Attending will be Tony, Maryhelen and Ken. Then there will be certified members for the Board of Review.
The next item is Resolution 22-3-2 to establish wards in the township for the purpose of voting. This was read by Ken. Ken made the motion to adopt the resolution to establish and combine wards for the purpose of voting. Kory seconded. As there was no discussion a roll call vote was taken. Ken,Yes : Tony,Yes: Kory, Yes.
William Heideman, 2952 28th St, Birchwood appeared to discuss his property becoming a tourist rooming house. After he described the situation, the Board approved the plan. Next he needs to go to the county for final approval.
Kory then went on to discuss the new funding available for municipalities under a population of 50,000 for infrastructure. Kory attended a webinar which explained how this would work over the next several years. Information came from Wis. DOT, WTA, and Delmore Consulting. After looking at the information it would appear that an engineer would need to be hired to complete the grant approval and submit it. This does not guarantee that the grant would be awarded after all this preparation. The first deadline is April 1st, which would be impossible for this Board to submit. These funds would cover all methods of roadwork from milling to full blacktop. The Board will continue to collect information for the following funding years.
Kory has been working with Gary Roholt regarding a division of a 15 acre parcel he owns by Hemlock Boat Landing. He would like to sell a portion to his son. When he had first called Kory, he told him to go to the County with this request. The county said that there needed to be a road into this parcel which the Town would need to maintain. It seems that the certified survey map could show an easement which could be in the deed for all property owners. The county says that until the town signs something in writing that we would be responsible for the road, the county will not pass the subdivision. Kory would like to give Mr. Roholt an answer so things could get moving. It is possible we would need to get legal clarification. Tony spoke about the land being subdivided last year for Carlson’s property. There was no issue with the road. It is an easement on the deed for all along that road.
Ken had sent a questionnaire to the Barron County Land Services Office in regards to zoning issues. He received an answer late this afternoon. There will be no action taken prior to the April 2022 town board meeting, but Ken read all questions with the answers. It seems that there are 81 current violations pending at this time. These will be posted on the website along with these minutes.
Under correspondence,Gladys spoke to being notified by the Sheriff’s Dept. for a complete list of unlicensed dogs in our town. She will take care of this.
As there was no other correspondence,Tony made the motion to pay the bills and adjourn the meeting. This was seconded by Ken and approved by all. (8:53)