Town Meeting Minutes | May 13, 2019
The monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake met at the Cedar Lake Town Hall on Monday, May 13, 2019 at 6:30 PM. Present was Ken Leners, Chairman, Supervisors, Kory Weiss, Tony Wolff, Clerk Maryhelen Drew and Treasurer, Gladys Roux.
The minutes were read from the previous monthly meeting. These were approved as read by Kory and seconded by Ken and approved by all. There were 11 attending beside the Town Board.
Under public input, Louie Okey spoke about the Barron Co. Sheriff’s Dept. hiring another officer to patrol the lakes and trails as well. This utility officer will be paid for by 78% from the Wis. Dept. of Natural Resources. He will be able to issue citations.
Louie then spoke about the upcoming July 4th Annual Parade. His requests include, close Swamp Road for the 5-K run & grade, use of Joel Wosepka Park for fireworks, use barricades/cones/t-posts for no parking, allow Scott to cut grass where needed for parade and fireworks, bring trailer over for raffles, and use of town hall. These are not any new requests. Ken has already contacted Sheriff Fitzgerald regarding assistance for this day.
Mr. Frank Altzar approached Ken inquiring if the public right of way next to his property could be purchased. This is located at the end of 26 ¾(Alderman Dr.). There used to be a pier at that location. Joe said that experience has shown that those living next to the outlots want to expand their lots. Historically the town does not sell these outlots. That is the response which Ken expressed to Mr. Altzar. Tony asked why this dock space had been abandoned. It was getting rotten and the town did not want the liability. The Co. does have one on Hemlock Lake. There followed a discussion. Kelly stated it had been a liability, but there have been no requests from Town people to use. It seems the outlots are used more in the winter. At one point these were all surveyed and marked.
Gladys mentioned that there has been a culvert sitting in the ditch next to Tim Greiner’s for a very long time(since Lanny worked for the town). She wondered if the Town should reclaim it. Ken asked Scott to pick up when he is able to.
Kathy Trawin noticed that the lot across from the Bear Trap is getting more & more stuff piled. The little hedge will not cover the piles. Ken is and has been working with the attorney’s, as it is a very tricky deal with property rights. The best hope is that they want to be good neighbors. Ken has given him a copy of the new ordinance and had several conversations with him. There followed much discussion.The risk of going forward at this point is the cost of legal fees. We also need to deal with Tery Byg’s which is a mess as well, as mentioned by Roger.
Gladys gave the financial report for the month. She as well as the clerk balanced with all bank accounts.
The past month’s road activities were reported by Kory. The plows are put away, done with snow. The truck has been sent to Monroe’s to have the wing installed. That same truck has been at Erik’s Repair for repair which was estimated at $4,500 and turned out to be $10,517.72 instead. The weight limits will be posted on May 10th. The Swamp Rd. is still closed. Discussion followed. Scott will be taking time off to get farming done.
Kory said that the gravel bid was awarded to Bull Dozin, which was $9,000 less than others. Bull Dozin would charge $8,000 to grade, phase 2, haul the gravel as well as in phase 1.Will need to post in the paper. Kory has been discussing the bridges with Fahner. At this point it is a total cost for the bridges. Our part of the package is $55,000 while Oak Grove would need to pay $3,400. If only one bridge is epoxy it would save $5,000, but would still need to crack seal that bridge. Kory is leaning toward the whole package. Oak Grove has used the epoxy and really like the outcome. They are waiting to budget for the other bridges. Should all bridges be done at this time or gradually complete the project. After discussion, it was determined that the Board would continue with the complete package of this project at this time. We will need to contact Town of Oak Grove for their share.
Twice now, Kory has heard that the Town of Birchwood is protesting us doing roadwork on the other side of the lake. They do not want us to truck over their portion of the roads.
After discussion, it was determined that Jeff Rettenmund continue as planned and deal with it if it happens. Ken suggested that it be put in writing if they have a problem.
Jon Sleik then gave the report regarding the Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services Dist. Ken George and Jon have met with an individual to whom they have explained the old building that’s being used at this time and presenting the new building along with the cost. They explained that they could get a $500,000 grant if it could get matching funds. Preliminary the individual suggested donation would be ½ in 2019 and ½ in 2020. They have met with the bank as well as Northwest Builders. At this point, each entity needs to meet to agree to the new building as well as the cost per municipality. Discussed cost sharing of each entity finance for 10 yrs. In 60 days when things are finalized with the donor, meeting will need to be held. It is possible that there could be a new building within 2 yrs. The fire calls are up to 30 calls in just 4 months. Ambulance stayed about the same. We now have 12 volunteers. The fire alarm systems at the Tagalong Condos seems to be quite a problem, many calls. This system responds to smoke rather than heat. It was recommended when Jon S. and Ken G. met with representatives, that the system be updated. They will re-evaluate. Much discussion followed regarding the cost of the building per each entity. At this time, Cedar Lake would pay 31.83% of $534,895. If using the fire numbers the cost would be $49,2493. Ken Leners reminded Jon Sleik that the Cedar Lake Town Board will consider the BFCESD’s fire hall cost share request and determine an acceptable amount based on fire number access point ratios, not equalized property values.
As there was no old business, we went on to the new business of Brett Gerber, parcel number 010-2600-05-000 who would like to change the zoning from upland conservatory to Ag.2 so that he would be able to build a structure, 30 x 40 with gravel floor. Ag 2 is not able to be divided into less than 17 acres. He owns 280 acres and does not want to divide the land. After the discussion, A roll call taken, Ken, aye : Tony, aye: and Kory,aye. The form was signed with no objection from the Board.
Next is the assessor’s contract with Randy Procknow for the period from 2020 through 2022. Ken made a motion to accept the contract as presented by Randy. Kory seconded and all approved.
The next discussion was regarding the white goods pickup which has been held for several years. This was charged back to the Towns for the first time last year. Kory is peeved that this cost has been pushed down to the towns. Tony feels that we should continue otherwise things may be in ditches. On top of this fee which the Town pays, the county has added $24 to each parcel for recycle fees. There followed some discussion. Tony made a motion to pay the charge based on the weight and set a date. Kory seconded. Roll call taken Ken, No: Kory,yes: Tony, yes. Motion passed. Kelly Weiss asked what the alternative would be? It was suggested to increase the cost of the dam on the invoice which the Town sends to the county. The date was set for June 22, 2019 at the shop parking lot from 10 AM to 2PM.
Next the Board discussed the placement of the recycle bin from the County. After some discussion, Ken will contact them to move the bin to the cement slab of the old building.
Under the discussion of correspondence, Kory noted that Dennis Hennekens has an increase of $15 per mowing The Board would like him to mow the outlot on Alderman Ave.. . There are no objections from the Board. Next year this will be put out for bids.
Tony explained the bill which would be coming from Hostgator on the credit card. It will cost a total of $27.95 for year thru them.
The Board went over all the correspondence received during the month.
Tony will be acting Chairman from May 22 to June 5 as Ken will be out of town.
Tony made a motion to pay the bills and adjourn. This was seconded by Kory and all approved. (8:50)