Town Meeting Minutes November 13, 2017

November 13, 2017  Budget Hearing     The Budget Hearing for the 2018 Proposed Budget for the Town of Cedar Lake was held on Monday, November 13, 2017 at 6:00 PM at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana. Present was Ken Leners, Chairman, Tony Wolff, Supervisor, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk, Gladys Roux, Treasurer, Mike Gallo, road patrolman, RJ Severude, Police. Kory Weiss was absent. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also, a moment of silence for the loss of David Drew. There were 27 persons attending.     Ken explained the procedure. Then discussed revenues and expenditures.  He explained that the CD had been used to pay for the fire truck so that we did not have to borrow the funds for that. The fire truck has not yet been delivered, but hopefully Santa will be able to ride it in the parade on Dec. 2.  Therefore, do not anticipate any loans at this time.     In 2017, $22,000 had been set aside to rebuild the front steps on the Town Hall.  Kory had been notified by e-mail that this work would not be done this fall. In 2018, $13,000 has been set aside for the Town Hall for normal maintenance. Funding options will be determined when we receive updated 2018 town hall entrance repair proposals. The police budget has come together well for the remainder of the budget year and a modified option year extension will be prepared for fiscal year 2018.     Questions were asked in regard to the building fund for the new fire hall.  Ken explained that the Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services had allocated at their last meeting funds for 2018 to make architectural plans for the building.  It is possible that this could be presented at the Annual Meeting in the spring.  It is possible it will need to go to a referendum.     Ken is proud of the Board and the employees for the last seven months for working with the budget.  At this point, there is no reserve, so we will need to create one based on outcome of referendum in Feb. 2018.     Ken made the motion to adjourn the Budget Hearing.  This was seconded by Tony and approved by all.   Special Meeting     The special meeting was called to order by Ken for the purpose of adopting the budget as presented.  Mark Pagenkorf made the motion to approve the budget as presented.  This was seconded by Robin Carlson.  In favor, 24, opposed, 0.     Louie Okey made the motion to adjourn the special meeting.  Dale Campbell seconded and all approved. (6:45 PM)   MONTHLY MEETING  Nov. 13, 2017     Following the adjournment of the Special Meeting, the Board asked for public input at the regular monthly meeting. Brad Gehring and Charles Schafer appeared on behalf of Tagalong on Fairways to request a variance to building garages.  The building had previously been approved by the county in 2006, but never built.  Now would like to build bigger and rotate the building.  (Louie Okey left the meeting, Co. Board of Adjustments). This has been approved by legal, board of directors.  Ken feels comfortable with the proposed changes.  Board signed approval for the county.     Also, under public input, Jeff Kruger stated that Mike and Scott have done a great job of cutting the ditches back.  Mike said that Scott has done that.   After the discussion last month regarding surveillance cameras, Ken did research and found that cameras could be posted in public areas legally.     A comment then was made in regard to manure on the roads.  The Town of Birchwood  recently passed an ordinance regarding the prevention and/or removal of manure on township roads.     The minutes were read from the previous monthly meeting.  These were approved as read by Tony and seconded by Ken.  All approved.     Next the financial reports were given by Gladys, Treasurer and Maryhelen, Clerk.  Both balanced with all the accounts at the bank.  Ken then discussed addition figures.     Mike then gave a report on the road activities for the month.  The equipment is ready for winter, Scott is done mowing. They have done a temporary repair on a culvert so it holds until spring.  Working on paperwork for the Town Road Improvement Program (TRIP)  as well as the road report for the State.  There followed a discussion regarding roadwork and bridgework.     Tony asked if there were plans to take down the flags in Mikana in the future.  Mike said that when they rented the lift to do the Christmas lights, they would take care of the flags as well.       Thursday, the Barron Co. Hwy. Dept. is holding an Open House. Those attending will be Ken, Mike and Scott.     Bev Schmidt asked what the Amish signs on Hwy. 48 meant? Ken is not sure, but will find out.    RJ Severude than gave the police report for the month.  Besides the calls he responded to, he has recovered missing property.  Also, he and Storm have had recertification.  Storm is certified for search & rescue, traffic, patrol and narcotics.  RJ has requests to use Storm during the next several weeks.     Ken had attended the BFCESD meeting last month.  He reported the calls made by the Ambulance and Fire Dept.     Under old business, Ken discussed the use of the CD to pay our share of the new fire truck.       Next item of discussion was the Mikana bridge ATV/UTV crossing on Hwy. 48.  Ken has submitted a packet of information to Dan Anderson, Spooner DOT office.  Everyone on the county’s property and highway committees concurred with our township’s request to  make this happen.  A discussion followed regarding signs, if this passes.  As the process is just beginning, that will be decided later.  It has been six months and three meetings.     The Town Hall entrance will be done in spring of 2018.     Gladys has her tax letter completed. Ken will work on his and get it to Gladys.  There will also be a letter regarding the referendum for Feb. 2018. Ken is working on the verbiage for this.     The Board then went over correspondence received during the month. Received a report from Scott Schiefelbein, building inspector, Lynn Gordon hearing, increase in workers compensation due to audit, adding Town Hall and  police garage to Paul’s Sheet Metal contract for furnaces.   A discussion regarding the speed limit going into Loch Lomond.  It is noted that the beginning belongs to Town of Birchwood, so we are not in control of that speed limit.     Ken made the motion to adjourn, Tony seconded and all approved. (7:55 PM)     This meeting was noticed in the Chronotype, posted at the Mikana General Store, Town Hall, and Quillen’s Big Bear.       ]]>

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