Town Meeting Minutes | October 12, 2020
October 12, 2020
The Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake met at the Town Hall in Mikana for the purpose of hearing a presentation from Jeff Delmore of Delmore Consulting for evaluation of the town roads and other services offered by his company. When the company was hired last year they did basic service for us. They also do culvert inventory, street name signs, traffic signs, condition of roads. Then everything is rated according to the condition as to which should be repaired first. If approved, Jeff stated that the Town owns all the data collected in a pdf file as well as a hard copy of the work completed. Jeff would give the Board an estimate based on all three phases of the project,culvert inventory, sign inventory and complete road analysis. Doing all three at the same time, he would offer a discount, A choice could be made to do one or all. This is something which would not need to be completed each year, just updated with future work.
This meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.
October, 12,2020 – MONTHLY MEETING
The monthly meeting of the Cedar lake Town Board was held on Monday, October, 12, 2020 at 6:30 PM at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The meeting was attended by Chairman, Ken Leners, Supervisors, Tony Wolff and Kory Weiss, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux, Treasurer. Also 9 other persons. The minutes from the previous monthly meeting were read and approved. Motion to approve was made by Kory to accept as read, Tony seconded and all approved.
Ken began the meeting by introducing a representative from Mosaic, Jennifer Mason. The company is located in Cameron. Ms. Mason proceeded to explain that Mosaic is wanting to expand off the current high speed internet network into our area. There are many grants available to complete this project, but they are in need of municipalities to show support for the project. There is no cost to the township, just a partnership on the broadband. This year they are completing Ridgland to Dallas. Also working in Prairie Farm. The customers would be charged if they took the services offered by Mosaic after the project is complete.
Under public input, Doug Fischer mentioned that there have been 93 lots sold over in the Loch Lomond Beach area. There does seem to be a problem with people obtaining permits to build. He has been working with Scott Scheifelbein, UDC Inspector, to try to resolve this issue. It is possible that the county could correct this at the time they get their county permits. . It is possible that the realtors are telling the buyers that they can do whatever they want in our area, not knowing about all the regulations. Scott has had 35 driveway permits this season and delivered culverts.
Next in public input, Grace Reisdorf spoke up to say that we now have mail delivery at our homes. Really nice.
Tony spoke about an email received from Jon Sleik in response to Tony’s request at the last BFCESD meeting. Tony read what he had presented to the Commission during public input at their last meeting. (See Attached). Then the email that was received from Jon Sleik was read. There was discussion regarding these two responses. Kory said that it was news to him that a request to remove Jon as Chairman of the Commission had been made. These will be attached to these minutes.
Also, under public input, Ken is impressed with the number of hits our website has gotten over the last 28 days, 528 users. Thanked Tony for putting the website together. Tony commented that it gave the public access to information, minutes and agendas. BFCESD does not have a website to get ongoing information.
Gladys then gave the financial report for the past month. All figures match with the bank and the clerk. It is noted that there is available $102,169, for the BFCESD contract. Ken then explained the third quarter statistics.
Kory spoke about the boilers in the shop which have been needing repair on a regular basis at an expense. Maybe think about replacing these boilers when we discuss the budget. Approximately at a cost of $50,000.
The next item was discussion regarding the past month’s road activities. Ken George has begun the second round of mowing, fire numbers are being installed. Regular maintenance.
The telephone line has been repaired in the town hall.
Kory spoke about the monitor which the county installed to watch the level of the Red Cedar Lake water. As he is monitoring it, it seems to be accurate. He will begin taking the level of the lake down aggressively very soon to be ready for winter. It was decided that the results of the monitor would not be put on the website until we know more about the monitor.
Ken spoke about the activity reports which Scott submits every two weeks. He feels that Scott gives good detail of daily activities.
The next discussion was in regard to the BFCESD. At this time, the Board would not approve signing the bylaws as it does not include residency for representatives of municipalities. Also, discussed Jon Sleik requesting to be the only representative to sign these bylaws compared to all municipality Chairpersons signing the document. The Board denied his request that he be the only person to sign the proposed bylaws As no one person should be allowed to sign for all municipalities. Tony would like the commission to understand that we are not refusing to pay our contract, just delaying payment until bylaws are complete and accepted by all.
Ken will be calling an attorney to discuss the following regarding the BFCESD. The items include, disregard of residency, failure to develop a budget policy, misapplication of funds, fail to solicit competitive bids for the new building, public input being ignored, going to attorney without all commissioners approval, allowing president to sign for all commissioners. Kory asked if the commission had followed up with their comments from last month to turn this over to their attorney. There was no discussion of the commission seeking court action against the Town of Cedar Lake.
The report was given of all the calls for the BFCESD made in the last month.
The next item for discussion was the abandonment of the alleys. Scott Walters & Ken Leners met with the surveyor, Mike Clamer, to identify all centerlines before frost. Cost will be approximately $8000.
Kory made a drive through Highland Platt in regard to the signage in that area. There were no traffic signs. Kory then had Scott put up speed limit signs at all four entrances from the highways. The person who made the initial complaint is selling his home.
Kory also spoke with a person who is considering purchase of property in the Highland area who spoke about being able to get to the trails for ATV/UTV from within Highland Platt. It was suggested that he approach the county to see if a short route could be established from Inverness to Ranch Rd.
Discussion regarding correspondence received during the month includes an email from Stan Lindow for all minutes which includes discussion regarding decisions made by the Town Board for the BFCESD.
He was advised to access those minutes on the Town of Cedar Lake website.
Ken has received calls from neighbors to Jerry Frazier regarding other issues such as burning materials not to be burned as well as other issues, A note will be sent to him regarding a complete cleanup to his home property.
Kory has received various emails asking for copies of bid requests for public works. It seems these people are asking for bids to compare from all over the county. Wondering if this is a legitimate request or just hot air. Board advised it is probably phishing. Board has followed proper procedure on all bids on public works projects.
Tony wanted to know if we would be able to go to the WTA conference if we had not signed up earlier? It was suggested to call WTA.
Ken has called the credit card company and they will be giving us credit charged for the fraud charges.
Tony made the motion to pay the bills and adjourn the meeting. (8:20)