Town Meeting Minutes | September 10, 2018
The Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake met at the Cedar Lake Town Hall on Monday, Sept. 10, 2018 at 6:30 PM. Present was Ken Leners, Chairman, Kory Weiss & Tony Wolff, Supervisors, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux, Treasurer. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes were read from the previous monthly meeting. A correction by Scott that there are 5 culverts in Loch Lomond to be replaced. Ken made the motion to approve the minutes with this correction. Kory seconded and all approved.
Under public input, Cathy Hatfield mentioned that the next meeting for the Cedar Lake Ladies will be on Sept. 17 at Bear Tracks in Birchwood at 6 PM. The garage sale was a great success, traffic was good, weather was perfect and it was fun.
Ken spoke that at the Oct. 8th Board meeting a guest speaker, Chris Fitzgerald would appear to provide information on the nine-month window since the Four Corners Police Department was disbanded. Please have prepared questions for him.
Tony mentioned that he and ken had gone to the Wisconsin Towns Association Dist. Meeting in Barron where Sheriff Fitzgerald briefed everyone regarding the meth issue in our county. Doesn’t seem to be meth labs at this time as it is cheaper to buy from Mexico and resell. Street value has decreased by 50%, which has affected those do it yourself labs.
Ken said that all flags will fly at ½ staff on Sept. 11, due to Patriots Day.
Next is the financial report from Gladys, Treasurer. Everything balances with all the bank accounts and the clerk.
Next Kory and Scott reported on the road activities. The county is working on the east side of the lake replacing culverts. The county recommended to have the spots covered with asphalt before winter. There followed a discussion among the Board. Kory is talking with Mark Servi, Highway commissioner, and will have info whether to leave as gravel or asphalt. If the asphalt were to cost $8,000, it would have an impact on the budget.
Gravel is being hauled as needed, shouldering as time allows. Ken suggested that Scott keep up the good work. The antifreeze level in the truck is maintaining. Scott has cleaned around the town shop sign. Will continue to keep clean. Scott and Kory have discussed the new wing. Kory asked for another bid which is within $100 of the other bid. The cost is not going to go down.
Ken said that the Mikana bridge crossing is now legal as the signs have been placed. It took 16 mons., but got it done! Everyone be careful.
Ken has received the road certification package from the State. Scott and Kory will help to complete this week as a team.
Kory wondered if the word had gotten to the connecting towns in regard to the changes in the speed limits for ATV/UTV. Yes, towns have been notified. Town of Birchwood has this on their agenda for their meeting tonight. They are discussing pulling the speed signs along 30th Avenue, and maybe opening Loch Lomond to all. Lee Ellerbruck will represent tonight and let us know later what happens.
Kory wanted to know who was in charge of parks at the county. The driveway needs gravel, there is a tree hanging over the west side of the bridge. Also, the toilet is very concerning at the park as well.
Scott has looked at the tree at the Joel Wosepka Park. We will hire someone, Denny Hennekens, to remove this tree this fall.
Also, under roads, the Board is accepting applications for the assistant patrolman until Sept. 21st.
Kathy Wolff also spoke about the toilet at the Joel Wosepka Park. As the Board is unsure of ownership, we will check and go forward with cleaning. Kory will check ownership.
Next on the agenda is the contract for 2019 Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services Dist. There followed discussion of the increase. The Board discussed the budget in relationship to the increase. Ken made the motion to adopt the Budget Resolution 2018-9 with the BFCESD. Kory seconded and roll call, Ken, Aye: Kory, Aye: Tony, Aye.
The next item on the agenda is to repeal/ replace the Public Nuisance Ordinance 2009-11. Ken made the motion to repeal ordinance 2009-11. Tony seconded and roll call: Ken, Yea: Kory, Yea: Tony, Yea. All approved.
The motion was made by Ken to adopt the new Public Nuisance, 12-page proposed ordinance. Tony seconded. Roll Call, Ken, Aye: Kory, Aye: Tony, Aye. The next steps are to determine what penalty to apply, notices to give. Ken will provide copies of this ordinance to those who need to address issues. Doug Fischer volunteered to help by obtaining photos. Ken said that he would do some research first to see if he may need to be appointed.
Next discussion was in regard to the old town shop building. Dennis Hennekens has looked at the building and is very interested. Does the Board want it knocked down? And what would be included? Kory said that anything not attached to the building would not be included. Next step is to notify the Fire and Ambulance people to make sure and have all of their items removed by a set date. Tony and Kory will continue to work on the police items in the building. Ken recommends that the Board do a contract with Dennis. We have no response from the ad in the paper. Tony made a motion to raze the building contingent on a contract with Dennis Hennekens. Kory seconded and all approved. The Town will be responsible for closing the sewer, capping off the well as well shutting off the gas. Most of which can be addressed next summer.
The Budget work day for the 2019 Budget will be on Wed., Oct. 10 at 9 AM at the Cedar Lake Town Hall.
Columbus Day is scheduled for Oct. 8, which would be the next meeting. We will keep this date, but may need to change date for Nov. as it falls on Veteran’s Day. Discuss at the Oct. meeting.
The next item is to adopt the resolution to belong to the Wisconsin Retirement System, so Scott has retirement benefits. The resolution, 2018-12 was read. Ken made the motion to adopt this resolution for WRS. Tony seconded and all approved.
The Board then went thru the correspondence received during the month and the invoices to be paid. We will hold the Cintas bill next month as we are getting charged for items we have not received.
Tony made the motion to pay the bills and adjourn the meeting. Kory seconded and all approved. (8:07)