Town Monthly Meeting Minutes I December 12, 2022
January 12, 2023/Comments Off on Town Monthly Meeting Minutes I December 12, 2022
The monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake was held on Monday, Dec. 12, 2022 at 6:30 PM at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana at 6:30 PM. Present was Ken Leners, Chairman, Tony Wolff and Kory Weiss, Supervisors, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux, Treasurer. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
- The minutes from the previous monthly meeting were read. These were approved as read by Ken with Tony seconding this. Kory abstained as he had been absent.
Under public input, Kelly Weiss asked if he had heard correctly from the minutes the situation with the fireworks. Yes, the information is correct. This will be discussed further into the meeting.
- Mike Hessling offered a public apology for the outburst at the previous monthly meeting. He said that was not professional or acceptable. Ken stated that the Board appreciates this apology. Ken then said that the County had approved all of the Hessling’s plans which had been presented.
- Also under public input, Todd Barthen complained about the property owned by Frazier across the street from his house. Ken had submitted an observation to the county, who assessed the property and stated that there were too many unlicensed vehicles on the property. Mr. Frazier removed one of the vehicles and was then in compliance. Ken went on to explain the procedure for filing a complaint against the landowner. A committee needs to be formed, who assesses the property, completes a report. Then this report is given to the town board for review. Todd offered to be on that committee. It appears that there is standing water in the pool which is a safety problem alone.
- The financial report for the month was given by Gladys, treasurer. All accounts balance with the bank. The clerk balances as well. Ken then explained the budget expenditures for the remainder of the year. The balance of the ARPA account was transferred to the checking account and paid on the Barron Highway invoices. Then Ken discussed the loan with Dairy State Bank for the BFCESD building. There will be a payment due before the end of year.
- Kory then spoke about the road activities for the past month. We have been with only one plow truck as the newer truck broke the hydraulic shaft and a new one had to be ordered. Kory is forecasting that we will need a new truck very soon. Scott mentioned that trucks ordered now are two years out for delivery. Also, get an estimate for a new plow truck. Kory wanted to wait until the grader would be paid off. Also, the power washer broke and the company came out to fix it. It is recommended that a new power washer be considered. Kory will be checking prices. Ken mentioned that maybe down the road, the town will need to take a look at extra revenue. Scott mentioned that the county is not done shouldering.
- Kory has been approached about a snow fence to be placed on the field across from the outlot on 27-27 ¾ Street as it blows closed with snow at times. It was much better when corn was on the field as that stopped the blowing across the road. This year when we get enough snow, Scott could take the grader into the field and create a bumper with snow. Scott also mentioned that people are plowing their snow from driveways across the town roads. This is a problem all over. Ken will send the beach club a reminder and Kory will contact the Sheriff’s Dept. to see if they would put out a notice and add it to their website.
- Ken had received the paperwork for bridge inspection within our town. He gave this to Kory.
- Ken spoke about holiday bonuses for the men. Since the salaries are under Kory’s umbrella, make the decision and let the Board know the outcome.
- Mike Hessling then gave the report for the BFCESD. A letter of agreement has been signed with MMC/ Dr. Sorge and agreed to be signed by our ambulance director. This will officially change medical oversight of our EMT service to the new Medical Director at MMC. Spoke about all the enthusiasm of the auxiliary committee which is being directed by Becky George. `Donations are being gathered. The building is taking shape rather quickly with enclosure hopefully by the end of January. Then the inside work can progress.
- Under old business, Tony discussed the situation with the fireworks for the 4th of July. As the person who had always donated has stopped due to liability issues, funds need to be raised to support them. The parade committee had requested the town to donate funds. As this is taxpayer funds, Tony feels that these funds should be used for other town needs, like road improvement. The town currently supplies $1000 for insurance for the parade. Tony has agreed to take on the responsibility of finding money for 2023. His plan would include this first year of making a list of twenty persons within the town who would donate $1000 each to make the fireworks happen in 2023 as $20000 are needed. At this time,the parade committee is holding $1000 which they had collected last year. Tony and Kathy have each pledged $1000 toward the fund. This would be a one time request. In the future, maybe 40 people could donate $500 each as well as doing fundraising. Discussion followed regarding setting up an account to collect the funds. This would be similar to the Buckthorn account the town monitors. If after a year or two, interest doesn’t seem to be real high, we may need to stop doing the fireworks. This item will be placed on the January agenda to form the bank account.
- Liz Drew mentioned that the insurance money for the parade may not really be a taxpayers responsibility as well. Tony stated that we may need to look at that down the road. Tony will plan on doing fundraising during the parade. Mike Hessling suggested that there could be sponsorships from the businesses. Ken feels that this is a good plan. It will be good to watch this unfold.
- Under new business, the date for the caucus needs to be set. The WTA suggests that this be held between January 2 and the 21st. After discussion a motion was made by Ken to hold the caucus on Saturday, January 14, 2023 at 10 AM in the Town Hall with the date of January 21st being the backup date if needed to cancel on the 14th for some reason, same place, same time.
- Kory seconded the motion. Would Ken George and John Brunclik be available on the 14th? Per a text from Ken, yes they would be available. They do have training on the 21st. Vote taken to hold the caucus on Saturday, January 14, 2023 at 10 AM at the Cedar Lake Town Hall. Ken,yes: Kory,yes: Tony, yes. Motion carried.
- Ken had the emergency plan ready for signature of all the board. Received a bill from Prevea for a drug test which had been for Mike Gallo. Clerk needs to contact the bill as it belongs to the Town of Stanfold.
- Kory received notice from Mr. Roholt that all went well with the subdivision of his land. He had the right information from the town.
- Tony then introduced Brady Wolff, who has agreed to take on the face for the Buckthorn project for our Township. He will work with Will Bowe going forward. He is very knowledgeable about Buckthorn. He was thanked for stepping forward.
- Tony then spoke about the contract the town has with Kerber-Rose regarding computer security. After some research, Tony felt we were overpaying for this service. He had talked with other clerks who are using Tice Computers for $83 per year for security and if they choose $25 for secure backup as well. The treasurer said that this is where she has security for her computer. After some discussion, it was decided that the clerk will take her computer to Tice for security.
- Tony also flushed the well at the town hall. We now have a good water report. He still would not drink it.
- Tony had gone to the Cedar Lake Cemetery to purchase plots and discovered that the Town of Cedar Lake owns four plots in that cemetery. One of the plots is occupied by a Smith sometime during the 40’s. Tony will do more research regarding these lots. Maybe at some point the Town may need to return these plots back to the cemetery.
- The clerk is in receipt of a card from David Strand for the Board. As it was opened, it was a thank you card for all the Board does; along with 7 gift certificates for each person including Scott and Ken. The Board is not and will not accept these as elected officials; it is against the law. Scott and Ken are able to use them. The Board thanked David Strand for his thoughtfulness and suggested maybe he could make a donation to the fireworks instead.
- Gladys said that tax season has begun. A lot of people received their taxes today. The website had a link to pay taxes online as well as the letter which had been included.
- Tony made the motion to pay the invoices and adjourn the meeting. Kory seconded and in favor.
- This meeting was noticed at The Grill, Red Cedar Store, Bear Trap, Loch Lomond Beach, Chronotype and the website.
Posted in Minutes