Town Monthly Meeting Minutes I September 12, 2022
The monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake was held on Monday, September 12, 2022 at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana at 6:30 PM. Present was Ken Leners, Chairman, Kory Weiss and Tony Wolff,Supervisors, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux, Treasurer. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 28 people present.
The minutes were read from the previous monthly meeting. These were approved as read by Tony, seconded by Kory and approved by all.
As there was no public input, we went to the financial report from Gladys. The clerk’s books match Gladys and the bank.
Next under road activities, Kory said that Lemler Rd. and Swamp Rd. are paved. Scott is working on the sign inventory. Bull Dozin will be doing the shoulders on the Swamp Rd. We have the bill from Monarch for the paving of Lemler road,$225,612.97. We will know more after receiving all the bills for road work as to what may be held over for payment until 2023. Gladys asked if the town would be using the ARPA funds for the cost of the Swamp Rd. This will be discussed at the next meeting. Kory said we are spending more than the budget shows as planned for road work in FY22. This strategy is by design as we may hold some of the FY 22 cost over into FY 23 with Barron Co. Hwy. Dept. with no interest accrued. Ken feels that the funds have been managed very well over the last six years. Ken George has started the second mowing in the town.
Tony mentioned that the county has placed the privacy strips around the recycle fence.
Ken mentioned that the town’s equalized value has increased by 19% this year. Significant increase.
Mike Hessling then gave the report for the Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services Dist. There have been two meetings since our last meeting. Discussed the payment schedule for the building. There are video cameras on site so anyone may watch the progress of the building. There will only be one entrance into the Emergency Services building from Hwy. 48. This will be downloaded on the BFCESD website. Kory asked if the auxiliary had been formed as discussed at the Sept.8 meeting. Yes, this was set up per statutes.
The fire engines mechanic position has been eliminated. The committee feels that the truck has been spending a lot of time at Meyers. They feel that this can best be managed with a team approach. The rent for space will continue through the 3rd Qrt. of 2023 to Birchwood. After that if necessary they will rent month by month until the building is completed. Ken has set up a promissory note with Dairy State Bank for the payment of our share of the building. There will be construction draws taken with no interest being charged until funds are drawn. Mike went on to document the % of participation from each entity and how each will make construction payments.
Linda Zillmer mentioned that she felt that the dept could not have two auxiliary bank accounts. The trailer for the fire dept was then discussed. Karla Larson is concerned that the budget for this dept. is reflecting the increasing cost of fuel. Mike said that this is a small percentage of the budget, if needed they are able to cut other items. The worst hit to the budget was the hourly rate for people. Mike said that they are fairly stable supplying mutual aid. Ms. Larson mentioned that there should be funds available to help with transporting of COVID patients with .20 per dollar from Medicare or Medicaid. Mike will need to investigate as he had not heard this.
The golf outing has been pushed until spring of 2023.
Ken is comfortable with what the committee is doing and thanked them for all their hard work as it has taken many years to get to this point. Mike commented that the committee presented 98% of the solutions.
Next on the agenda, is the discussion regarding the parcel of land on the Swamp Rd. which the town owns, #010-2100-010-0001. Ken Roen is wanting a way to get to his property behind this parcel. The clerk had sent an email to Attorney Jon Cuskey inquiring about the procedure for the town giving up this parcel. Ken feels that if we go the route suggested by Mr. Roen there would be significant challenges. He feels we should have a realtor list the property and have all closing costs go to the buyer. Kory is not opposed to this, but feels it would be very hard to set a value on that parcel. Maybe give an easement to his property thru the town parcel and town retain ownership. Tony feels there should be no cost to the town and all taxpayers should not be on the hook for the costs. Ken spoke about the BFCESD selling the land which had been donated to them. Ken L. feels we should provide an easement to the parcel and all expenses to be paid by the recipient. Kory suggested going to the WTA attorney for a second opinion as there is concern about opening a Pandora’s box. There followed much discussion involving persons attending. Kory suggested that we talk with Ken Roen first to see if he would pick up all the fees before contacting another attorney. Ken thought this was a good idea. Kory will contact Ken R.
Next item was an update on the residential-recreational dwelling ordinance. As we have passed the 90 day or 70 day notice to submit to the county clerk any referendum for the November election, Ken talked with WTA Attorney , who offered the advice is that the Board not commit time and effort to a non-binding referendum in November based on the current board’s refusal to take action during the past 15 months. He mentioned several facts bearing on the problem. (These are attached to the minutes.)
There was a person in the audience who asked why this subject is being discussed again as it had been tabled for a year? This person continued with derogatory comments. Ken directed the person to leave the meeting as he felt she was being disrespectful. She was given the choice to leave, or be arrested for disorderly conduct. She left the meeting.
The next item is to reschedule the October meeting due to the fact several board members are going to the WTA convention. A motion was made to move the meeting from Oct. 10th to Oct. 17th at 6:30 PM by Ken and seconded by Kory. All approved. Next was to schedule the FY2023 budget work meeting. Ken made the motion to set Oct. 19th at the town hall at 9 AM for this meeting. Ken and Maryhelen will work on the budget prior to this meeting. This was seconded by Kory with no further discussion. All approved. It was suggested that these dates be put on the website. Ken asked if there were any questions to ask the accountant prior to this work day.Not at this time.
Next correspondence received during the month was discussed beginning with Gladys. She will need to complete 55 hrs. Of training at Barron Co. prior to tax roll because of the new program.
A letter had been received from the DNR by Maryhelen that Tagalong had made an application for additional docks in their area on Red Cedar lake.
A bill was received by and paid for the Buckthorn project.
Informed the board that the Loch Lomond Beach Club has canceled their contract for a recycle bin. They have sent all members a map showing where all the bins for Barron Co. are located and advised them to use them. As Mikana is the closest one, we could have a problem with things in this bin. Tony said that is even more reason to have a person there when it is open. After some discussion, it was decided that Tony would call the Barron Co. Waste Center and explain the situation. It might be possible that they would put a bin on the east side of the lake for the summer.
Board was made aware that James & Sherry Goodpaster would be making an application for a Class”B” winery as well as a Class”B” beer license for property located at 2673 27th St. Mikana.(John Bolles Building) The board recommended that all involved should appear at the Oct. meeting to explain the project.
Tony has spoken with the building inspector regarding issues with pole barns being built to be used as potential residences in the future. This can not be done. They must follow the correct permit procedure. If anything is built they need a building permit.
Kory has researched the propane prices and signed the Town with Synergy for $1.85 per gal. for the winter season. He has received a call about Truitt’s property on Hwy. 48. After discussion, it was decided that Kory would call Barron Co. Ken is in receipt of the WISLER packet for the town roads. He has completed it and needs signature to return to the State. Delmore is doing their assessing of the roads.
Ken had attended the Barron Co. WTA Unit meeting on Aug. 22 at the Town of Clinton. There was a discussion regarding the ARPA. The next meeting will be held on November 28. Volunteers are needed to fill the officer positions as at this time, Don Putnam is doing all the positions. If no one steps up the meeting may need to be discontinued for our county. Discussion was also held as too many clerks in the state are leaving their positions this year.
Tony made the motion to pay the bills and adjourn the meeting. This was seconded by Ken and approved by all. (8:25)