Town Special Meeting Minutes I August 22, 2022

August   22, 2022 SPECIAL MEETING

A special meeting was called to order on Monday, August 22, 2022 at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Milkana at 9:30 AM. Present was Ken isms, Chairman, Tony Wolff, Supervisor, Kory Weiss, Supervisor (late), Maryheien Drew, Clerk, Gladys Roux, Treasurer. Two other people attended. The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss rezoning and a special exception of 5.5 acres belonging to Mike & Deanna Hessling, Gathering Place Resort.

At this time the land is leased to John Brunclik who uses the field for bedding for his animals. They would like this to rezone, going from Ag-2 RR all to R Hesslings would like to create a Luxury Motorcoach Resort (not a campground). The plan includes 855 sqn ft per sight with concrete pad, own sewer, power, grilling area. There would be a lakelete developed, no DNR permit will be involved. This will be an 1.5 acre, 15 ft. deep area with 2 fountains. There would be a special area to have a dog running area and washing area. Tony asked if all of this would be separate from the resort. Mike stated that he planned to integrate all of this with the resort except the animal area. Tony feels that this would help the area for tourists. The whole project would be an investment of half of a million dollars by the Hesslings.

Ken made the motion to accept the request from Mike & Deanna, Gathering Place Resort to rezone this property from Ag2& RR to all RR. Kory seconded the motion. As there was no further discussion, a roll call vote was t ken: Ken yes: Kory, yes: Tony,yes.

Ken made a motion to approve the special except n as presented by the Hesslings for use as a Luxury Motorcoach Resort. Kory seconded this motion. As there was no further discussion, a roll call vote was taken: Ken,yes: Kory, yes:Tony, yes.

Kory made the motion to adjourn the meeting. This w s seconded by Tony and approved by all. (11:00 AM) .

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