Biggest Little 4th of July Parade

The Biggest Little 4th of July Parade!

Mikana, WI


If you enjoy our Cedar Lake Fireworks show and make it a annual family event, We need your help. If we are going to continue the Cedar Lake Fireworks we will be depending  on individual donations.  Please consider making an annual pledge to not only continue this patriotic display but make it even better in the future.

Send donations made out to “Cedar Lake Fireworks Fund”  and send to:

Town Clerk

2696 26-26 3/4 ave

Mikana, Wi. 54857


Better yet, click donation button below to make an instant donation.


Biggest Little Parade!

For questions, email  or call 715-205-6548.
  • 9:00 am | 5K Run/Walk

    REGISTRATION: 7:45 – 8:30 AM 9:00 AM Start 

  • 9:00 am | BFCESD Root Beer Floats & Face Painting

    Root Beer Floats and Face Painting provided by the BFCESD! Located at the Town Hall from 9am-2pm.

  • 1:00 pm | Parade

    REGISTRATION: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

  • 2:00 pm | Raffle

  • Dusk | Fireworks!

    Fireworks located on south side of road from Mikana Marine, near where the Red Cedar Lake enters the river.

Since 1980, Mikana has celebrated our PATRIOTIC PRIDE by hosting The Biggest Little Parade. This fun event is a highlight for residents and visitors alike. As the event has grown, so has the Mikana Parade Raffle, with proceeds supporting the Cedar Lake area. Raffle money has been contributed to Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District, Birchwood Area Food Pantry, Pink Ribbon Advocacy, Educational Foundation of Birchwood, “Angel Fund” at Birchwood School, Birchwood Backpack Program, Timber Bay, Rice Lake Library Building Fund, as well as improvements to Mikana Town Hall and Joel Wosepka Park.

Parade History

"THE BIGGEST LITTLE PARADE IN THE WORLD" was started on July 4th, 1980. In April of 1980, The United States Hockey team defeated the Russian team in the Olympics and a small group of people, fired with patriotic pride, got together and marched through town waving flags....

Parade Events

Would you like to help with this years Parade?