CAUCUS Minutes I January 14, 2023


  • The caucus for the Town of Cedar Lake was held on Saturday, January 14, 2023 at the Cedar Lake Town Hall at 10 AM. This meeting was conducted by Ken George and John Brunclik. There were a total of 34 persons present.
  • Ken G. explained the procedure of the caucus. No questions at this time.
  • Ken G. then opened the nominations for chairman, now held by Ken Leners. Ken Osmer nominated Ken Leners for Chairman. This was seconded by Grace Reisdorf.  Ken G. asked if there were any further nominations, once. Then asked a second time if there were any further nominations. As there were no further nominations for Chairman, Sherry Goodpaster made a motion to close the nominations. This was seconded by Mike Hessling.
  • Next are nominations for  the position of Supervisor 1 being held by Tony Wolff at this time.  Barb Loring nominated Mary Hele for this position. This was seconded by Dave Hele. Are there any further nominations? Cathy Hatfield made the nominations of Tony Wolff. This was seconded by Gladys Roux.  As there were no more nominations for supervisor 1, Mike Hessling made the motion to close the nominations. This was seconded by Kathy Leners.
  • Next nominations are for the position of 2nd supervisor currently held by Kory Weiss. Grace Reisdorf nominated Kory Weiss for this position. This was seconded by June Babieau. A motion to close the nominations was made by Mike Hesslng and seconded by Grace Reisdorf.
  • Next nomination was for the clerk position which is held by Maryhelen Drew. Kelly Weiss made the nomination for Maryhelen Drew. This was seconded by Mike Hessling. As there were no further nominations, a motion to close the nominations was made by Kathy Wolff and seconded by Becky George.
  • Next nomination was made for the position of treasurer currently held by Gladys Roux. Mike Hessling nominated Gladys Roux for treasurer. This was seconded by Kelly Weiss. As there were no further nominations for treasurer, a motion was made by Barb Loring and seconded by Mike Hessling to close the nominations.
  • As this was the end of nominations, there was discussion to set up the caucus committee for 2025. A motion was made by Mike Hessling and seconded by Gladys Roux,to appoint Ken George and John Brunclik for 2025 Caucus committee. Motion passed.
  • Mary Helen made the motion to adjourn the meeting. This was seconded by Mike Hessling and approved by all.(10:10)



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