Monthly Meeting Minutes I April 8, 2024


     The monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake met at the Cedar Lake Town Hall in Mikana on Monday, Apr 8, 2024 at 6:30 PM. Present was Ken Leners, Chairman, Supervisor Kory Weiss,Clerk Maryhelen Drew, Treasurer, Gladys Roux. Supervisor Mary Hele was present by phone. There were 13 other persons present. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the March meeting were read.. These were approved by Kory and seconded by Mary. All approved. Mary,yes: Ken, yes: Kory, yes.


FINANCIAL REPORT: Gladys gave the financial report for the past month. The report showed that all accounts were balanced with the bank as well as the clerk. Ken addressed Maryhelen, Gladys and Tony,asking that the reporting of the quarterly update of the budget be completed by them. Some discussion followed. He said he would forward his working copy to all of the above mentioned people.

ROAD REPORT: Kory said it had been pretty quiet except for one small snow event which was taken care of by Scott Walters and Ken George. All road signs which had been ordered, have arrived Scott will begin installation. There had been a flair up at the firepit which was taken care of by Scott, Ken G. and Jeff Kruger. Thank you.

Road bans are coming off part of the town today while the east side will wait for a while. Delmore Consulting is asking if we have any road projects for this season. There followed a discussion regarding maintenance which will be planned for now. It was brought up that the town board does an annual road inspection. This is scheduled for Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 at 8:00 AM. All meet at the town shop.

Kory talked about the quote for the new truck from Meyers and Monroe. With the new changes which were made,the estimate went down.

Kory spoke about the low lake level. The dam has been shut down for 2 months at this time. Waiting for rain.


BFCESD REPORT: Mike Hessling gave the report of the last meeting on March 14th. The EMS committee voted to purchase a new 2026 F-550 ambulance for $381,484 total.

Made a motion not to move the hydrant behind the fire hall due to cost.  Also, looking forward to the 3rd Annual BFCESD Jon Sleik Memorial Golf Tournament to be held on Sunday, May 19, 2024. Next meeting, Thursday, Apr 11, 2024 at 6:30 PM at the fire hall

The Board was informed that Cindy Fairchild had forwarded a WI. Maintenance Of Effort Requirement for the board to listen to and complete. After a discussion, Mike said that he would take care of this for the Board.

OLD BUSINESS: The abandonment of Eden Meadow Dr.,28 ¼ Ave. will be finalized with the reading of the resolution. Kory read this. Kory then made the motion to adopt the resolution to abandon Eden Meadow,28 ¼ Ave.

Mary seconded this motion. Roll call vote: Ken, yes:Kory, yes: Mary, yes. Motion passed.

Concerning the beautification committee, Mary said that the Board will need to make the determination of next steps with Gerry Frazier. It appears that there have been some things moved, but still not enough. Mary reported that she called Mr. Fraizer and said she would like to avoid a timely and expensive court action, if possible, and requested he comply with the ordinance by April 30th.  He agreed to that date.  Among discussion, Ken mentioned that since Mr. Frazier  has complied with the county restrictions, he feels he’s done. Kory feels that the board needs to follow through with the Town Nuisance Ordinance as written as there are safety concerns regarding this property as it is abandoned. So, if not the ordinance, who would be responsible for cleaning up the property. Over the years there have been several formal complaints on this property. It was recommended that if Mr, Fraizer does not meet the April 30th deadline the committee should convene, discuss next steps and bring written recommendations to the Board at the May meeting.

Also under old business, Ken did an update regarding the petition to rezone  6 lots which had been sent To the Barron county Board of Supervisors for the final decision.They held a meeting on March 18, 2024, with 27 of the 29 members voting against this rezoning. (Two were absent)

NEW BUSINESS: The Board set the date for the White Goods Pickup day. There was some discussion regarding the need to do this as well as other towns participating. It was determined that the town would continue this. Kory would like to see more involvement from Towns of Doyle and Oak Grove. Maybe ⅓ of the bill and their residents could bring things as well. Kory made the motion to hold the White Goods Pickup on Saturday, June 15, 2024 at the town shop from 10 AM to 2 PM. Ken L. will book the dumpsters.

CORRESPONDENCE: Ken mentioned that the Open Book would be held on April 9, 2024 from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM with the Board of Review being held on Monday, April 22, 2024 from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM at the Cedar Lake Town Hall. Kory said that Scott and Ken G. will be attending Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) training at the county which is through the insurance company. Mary let everyone know Tom Nanstad had contacted her in regard to the new site for the 4th of July fireworks with a map. She got this on the website.

The clerk had the monthly report from the UDC inspector, a coffee maker had been donated to the election workers from Tony Wolff and John Moyle. CLA wanted to know if they could attend the annual meeting by Zoom. Yes, that would work. Gladys had nothing.

Kory made the motion to adjourn and pay the bills. All in favor. (7:53 PM)

This meeting was noticed at the town hall, Cedar Lake Grill , Bear Trap, Red Cedar Country Store, website, LLBC.

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