Monthly Meeting Minutes Jan 11, 2016
January 11, 2016/
Monthly Meeting January 11,2016
The monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cedar Lake met at the Cedar Lake Town Hall on Monday, January 11,2016 at 6:30 PM. Present was Jon Sleik, Chairman, Duke Dahl & Kory Weiss, Supervisors, Maryhelen Drew, Clerk and Gladys Roux, Treasurer. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The minutes were read from the previous monthly meeting. Kory made the motion to approve the minutes as read. This was seconded by Duke and all approved.
As there was no public input at this time, the financial reports were then given by Gladys, Treasurer and Maryhelen, Clerk. Both are
balanced with all the bank accounts as well as each other.
Ken Leners asked what roads would be worked on this summer from the projected expenses. Jon said that Swamp Road and Methil Dr. are
two on the list. There will be others determined at the time of the spring road review. Mike mentioned that all the roads and bridges had
been rated this last fall by the State. TRIPP funds won’t be available until 2017, and must be a complete rebuild to qualify.
Mike than gave the road report for the past month. They have been dealing with nuisance snow, wind, trees down and a few minor repairs.
The guys have gotten the plowing down to 12 hours for the entire Town after a snow fall with the exception of the cul-de-sacs. There followed
a discussion in regard to agreements with other Towns for snOWplowing.
The next item on the agenda was the police report. There was
nothing to report at this time.
Jon gave the report for the BFCESD. As the meeting will be this
week, he had little to report. It was mentioned that the Village of Birchwood had their caucus where the trustees nominated were 2 Hayes, John Depoister and Nancy Sefinga.
Next item of discussion was the meeting which had been held at the Town Shop on Dec. 21. At the meeting was Scott & Mike, the Board
members, Kelly Weiss and Pudge Kohel. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the specifications of equipment to be purchased. Mike had done a lot of work and was ready to present information on the grader, backhoe and mower. After discussion, the following was decided: All would be John Deere as this would be able to have combined fluids and filters available for any equipment. Also, these pieces were a better price from John Deere.
772G Grader with 6WD with trade-in $267,470.00
410L Backhoe Loader no trade-in $114,925.00
6130M Cab Tractor with trade-in $92,9000.00
Vandal Protection Package $388.00
Full Machine Warranty 3000 Hour $3718.00
5105 3-PT. Hitch Ditch Bank Mower $12,500.00
Total Equipment package $491,851.00
Jon will be sending out letters for financing to all the banks. Jon made the motion the purchase all of the equipment as discussed. Duke
seconded and all approved.
The next item for discussion was the purchase of a new squad car.
The committee would like to stay with a Chevy. Tahoe as it has 100,000 mile or 5 year warranty. With the trade-in the car would cost $25400 plus the cost of approximately $9300 for the security package. This vehicle would take 2 mons. from time of order. Jon made the motion to take the suggestion of the Committee and order the Tahoe from Don Johnson Motors. Kory seconded and all approved.
Kelly said that now that we have these pieces of equipment figured out, the Board should think about trading in the little green truck and get a truck that has more GVW than 13 ton. if we are able to come out of this winter spending less on snow conditions, then we might consider this. This is something that could be discussed at the Annual Meeting in April. The Board does understand the need to upgrade to a stronger truck.
Ken asked about the graphics on the squad car, saying it should say Town of Cedar Lake instead of 4Corners. There followed a discussion explaining the difficulties in getting the name approved and all the other red tape.
The Board then talked about the Town of Doyle and the ATV/UTV 24th Ave. route. Jon has talked with Duane and Al who are currently not sure of the signage as Dave Moin has told them it is not complete. The board feels that we should not do anything until spring and Doyle gets things completed. Kory asked what authority the Town Board have to say whether a road becomes a route or not is used for ATV/UTV? Duke explained that the west side is maintained by Town of Doyle while the east side is maintained by Cedar Lake. There followed a discussion of agreements with the bordering towns in regard to roads. Mike is trying to formalize all of this with the State so there will always be a good record.
As there was no new business, the Board went over the correspondence received. We have a letter from Assessor, Randy Procknow in regard to setting dates for Open Book, May 14th and Board of Review, May 21. Board will confirm these dates at the next meeting.
Duke thanked Mike for all his hard work getting ready for the equipment discussion and Scott for doing everything else so that he could complete that work. The shop is very cleanll!!!
It was mentioned that the Town has not received the grant from the State for the Buckthorn Project yet.
Duke made the motion to pay the bills and adjourn the meeting. Kory seconded and all approved. 7:45 PM
Posted in Minutes