Town of Cedar Lake 2019 Year in Review

Town of Cedar Lake 2019 Year in Review

2019 accomplishments. The Town Board continued to focus on essential objectives to: (1) control township spending; (2) improve communication between the town board and constituents; and (3) ensure public safety, road maintenance, and quality of life activities remained top priorities.

Controlled township spending. The Town of Cedar Lake’s local tax levy will decrease (- 1.32%) for the third consecutive year in 2020 due to the board’s responsible management of taxpayer dollars.

The continuation of a detailed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP ), along with life-cycle management of township assets, has enabled the board to invest tax dollars in a responsible manner. For example, Town Hall floor refinishing and furniture replacement/repair occurred in 2019 as a planned CIP project.

Improved communication between the Town Board and C0nstituents. The Town pf Cedar Lake’s interactive website continues to exceed expectations as an increasing number of property owners access this site for current information. Our town’s website address is:

The Town Hall’s projection media was upgraded from a portable system to a fixed flat screen system. This resource, along v:,tith a modern sound system, has greatly improved the exchange of information during town meetings.

Ensured public safety, road maintenance, and quality of life activities remained top priorities. The Town of Cedar Lake supports the Birchwood Four Corners Emergency Services District (BFCESD). At the time of this printing, the BFCESD Ambulance Service supported 126 runs, and the Fire Department responded to 67 calls in 2019.

Significant road maintenance occurred during the 2019 construction season. A $250,000 asphalt reconstruction project on 1 ½ miles of Loch Lomond Blvd was completed; 4,740 cubic yards of gravel was hauled and graded; and routine and emergency culvert repair was completed with minimal disruption to property owners. Over $5,000 was invested in new and replacement fire number signs.

Quality of Life. In addition to our township’s many existing recreational opportunities, the construction of 4+ miles of a

$140,000 State funded ATV/UTV trail grant was completed and opened to the public. This new trail, in addition to 63+ miles of township routes, enables property owners easy access to adjoining townships and brings much needed tourism dollars to local businesses.

 2020 Objectives    The Town Board awarded a $55,000 contract to an independent contractor to complete critical bridge repair and maintenance on multiple bridges within our township during the 2020 construction season.

The Town Board approved a resolution to provide an amount not to exceed $264,000 towards the construction of a BFCESD emergency services building scheduled to begin in 2020.

Replacement of single-sided fire number signs with double-sided signs will continue.

The Town Board hopes that you find this newsletter informative and we welcome your comments.

Ken Leners

Chairman, Town of Cedar Lake

Voice/text: 612.710.3030 .


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